A Game of Chess

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"Oh," says Dylan looking at their grandfather forcing a smile. "You got me a chess board." Dylan's grandfather grins and begins telling the story about the day he met Dylan's grandmother. 

"...and so if it wasn't for this chess board you wouldn't be here!" The grandfather chuckles. Dylan nods their head as if listening before trying to usher their grandfather to the door. "At least let me show you how to set the game up," their grandfather says as he starts to set the game up on the coffee table. Dylan sighs as their grandfather starts telling another story about the chess board as he sets the game up. 

As their grandfather sets up the final pieces Dylan speaks up, "Well it was great seeing you, Grandpa!" Dylan starts their grandfather to the door once more. "Have a safe drive home," Dylan says shutting the door, barely hearing their grandfather's goodbye. With their back against the door, Dylan looks at the chess board on their coffee table. They walk over sitting on the couch in front of the coffee table. Dylan picks up a pawn from the chess board and examines it. The chess board it very old but Dylan's grandfather took very good care of it throughout the years. As Dylan starts to put the pawn back into its original place, they instead make the first move of the game. Dylan stares at the pawn for a moment before leaning forward and putting their head in their hands. Why would Dylan's grandfather give them a chess board when he knows Dylan lives alone? 

Just as the thought finishes in Dylan's mind, they hear something. They look up and see a pawn from the opposing side slowly slide forward. Making the next move.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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