(Season 2) Chapter 17 The Events of a Single Day Pt 1

Start from the beginning

Yue: Don't worry, you'll be able to see her again. Big Brother's taking her to Japan.

Shizuku: To Japan? Yatagami, what's that supposed to mean?

Sora: Exactly what it sounds like. I promised Myu that I'd show her what my home looks like.

Shizuku: Wait, but... Myu's a Dagon.

Sora: I get what you're trying to say, but it's really not a problem. There's probably plenty of ways to make her blend in on earth, and if that doesn't work, I'll think of something else. You know what they say, it's not about whether you can or can't, it's about whether you do or don't.

Shizuku: I suppose you do have a point, but...

Sora: Besides, it's a bit late to be worrying about this now. Shea's got bunny ears... Yue doesn't look that normal. She's whiter than any person on earth, and her teeth are pointed. Aishia who look like a goddess and could probably charm anyone even the same sex. And Celia here who has a baby face. It's not like I can change how they look. You didn't think I'd leave them behind here, did you?

Shizuku(mind): I suppose that's true.

Shizuku smiled to herself.

Celia: Ugh... I know I had a baby face, but please don't pin that out.

Sora: But that's part of your charm, Celia.

Celia: *blush* Wh-Why do you always say things like that?!

Sora: Like what?

Celia: Never mind...

Celia smiled faintly as well

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Celia smiled faintly as well. She tugged on Sora's sleeve.

Shizuku(mind): Is it just me, or did it suddenly get hotter around here?

Shizuku finished off her hot dog and started fanning herself. She left Sora and Celia to their sweet talk and thought back to Kaori. Though at this point she was confident Hajime could do anything he put his mind to whether it seemed possible or not, she couldn't deny that the path Kaori had chosen was a difficult one.

Shizuku: You've been taking care of Kaori, right?

Shizuku said in a worried voice.

Hajime: Hm? Well, you should probably ask her that instead of me. It's how she feels that matters here, right? Well, at the very least I'd like to think I've been keeping my promise to you. I haven't done anything terrible to her, anyway.

Shizuku knew from how happy Kaori seemed that Hajime probably was treating her well, but she couldn't help but ask. Sora shot her a look that clearly said "You're being really overprotective, you know that?" and Shizuku turned away in embarrassment. Yue sighed, and dropped a bombshell statement.

Yue: It's because you're so soft that she tries to assault you. You need to be sterner with her, Hajime.

Hajime: O-Okay.

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