Weighing Your Worth

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TW: suicide {not permanent}, cursing
Authors note at the end of the chapter.


Gaige had been through a lot with all of the group, and not one real regret was left on her part. So, she figured, that's all that mattered.

Except, well, she had decided to drive- after a petty fight that blew up into something it shouldn't have- (the tension helping beyond belief) and ended up in eridium blight- she'd driven for hours, and well, Handsome Jacks icon popped up, small but bold, and she was curious. She couldnt help it.

Course, she wouldn't have noticed it driving by if it wasn't for the giant statue of Jack pretending to have a grand interest in books. And maybe he does, but it doesn't change anything.

Gaige flexed her metal arm, stiffened by the numbing drive, walking over and clicking the description she stared, as Jacks pre-recorded message played over her ECHO device.

"I will pay you to kill yourself. I've got a perfect spot all picked out for ya. You don't want to? That's fine -- call the Hyperion Suicide Prevention Hotline, and you'll get nothing. But if you want a huge reward, you jump off that cliff and become my bitch. Take your time."

That's when her gears started turning. Did she do it? I mean she knows her friends would be against it, saying : we can get the money after Jacks dead.

But at the same time, maybe she could get by with the excuse of money. Though the timing, she supposed was a bit odd, I mean she stormed off after that and then just jumped (pun intended) at the first chance to kill herself? It would seem super childish, she didn't know if the group would see it that way, but if they did, would they ever let it go? The money was surely to be worth it, and even when level-headed, this would still be a thing she'd do for this amount of cash!.... Right?

"Right." She confirmed to herself driving to the location. Of course the letting out some pent up feelings were definitely a pro. The drive was quiet, she didn't even hum, which, she found weirdly depressing and wanted to smack herself for making it so serious when she was just gonna reconstruct afterwards and make jokes about it to deathtrap.

Gaige groaned when she noticed she had to fight her way to the cliff so she could kill herself. Was this some kind of joke? Or was Jacks target audience bandits who could just walk right by.

"It's time to fight! Ragahhaha" a Goliath of a man yelled. And with that, Gaige started towards the cliff, Launcher drawn.

"I'm gonna be riiiiiiiichh!" A bandit screamed, racing over the edge.

Gaige out away her launcher, walking up to the cliffside, noting the lava underneath. To her back was a button big and red, a sign reading off that there was hope.

In the end, Gaige decided she wanted to know what it felt like, and wanted the money prize. It wasn't a big deal anyhow- though she hardly died. She jumped, and felt the burning pain for only a few moments time before...

"Hahahahahaha! I guess you just killed yourself. Head back to the bounty board and I'll pay you. But, uh... just one second. No matter what happens, I just want you to remember one thing: you're a sellout. You killed yourself because I paid you to. You're a bitch. Alright. Off you go."

It was once again a prerecorded message, but never the less, it meant money.. And the others didn't have to know, I mean it's not like one of them wouldn't do it... Well, Maya probably wouldnt- but hey, its all good, not like Jack would know. Time to get paid and go back to Sanctuary.

"What the- of for the love of- Jimmy! Get your ass in here!" Jack huffed, sifting through a bunch of paper work that previously, Angel would have lessened.

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