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the car ride was just us talking, maya didn't bring up much about Jamie. i think she new i was still a little sensitive to the topic, which i appreciated. she never crossed my boundaries.

we pulled up to a fancy restaurant that looked super expensive
"are u paying?" i said with a small laugh
"of course! this is my treat" she said as she got out of the car and walked to my side of the car to open the door for me

i stepped out and it was a bit chilly but the sun shown bright against my skin, making me feel warmer
i smiled to maya and we walked in to the restaurant arm in arm, she really was my best friend

maya had a reservation without me knowing. i wonder what she wouldve done if i had said no. my thoughts were interrupted by maya whispering
"cmon kinley! were in the booth back there!" she said pointing to a fairly secluded section in the back, looking a bit nicer than the rest of the restaurant

"howd u pull this off?" i asked smiling
"were famous y/n! how else?" she said laughing like i said something bizarre
i thought about for a second and we were. maybe the fame caused me to forgot not everyone lived like this.

we sat down at our respective places in the small booth. there were candles and lots of reds flooding the place of the restaurant.
families, friends, couples all chattered and i really couldnt help but think about jamie. His blonde hair, his voic-

"hello! im jessie, ill be your server today. what are we going to start off with today?" a womans voice asked, interrupting me from my thoughts. she had long black silky hair and glowing skin. she wore a gold necklace with the letter F on it. maybe a lover? thinking of this idea made me frown
maya looked at me and i felt as though she could read my thoughts, she started telling the waitress what she wanted because she knew i wasnt ready to order

"ill take a.. hmm.." she said pausing to glance at me and back to the drink section on our menus
"oo! a margarita sounds good!" she said while smiling at the waitress

"ill have the uh.. a dr pepper?" i said giving a causal slight smile to the waitress
"okay, your drinks will be out in a minute and well come back to take your orders for your food!" she said smiling and walking away

i smiled at maya and and she smiled back
i grabbed my phone out of my purse. i hadn't checked any socials in a couple of days so my inbox piled more than normal. i of course got texts from jamie on literally every app. insta, snap, messages, even tiktok. i didnt bother looking at any and just went to my messages. I looked at my recent messages and swiped jamies contact from my recents. catching a
glimpse of the last message
"i know ive already said this but.." was the last thing he had said

when i had the strength not to break down and cry, ill block him. but not now. i couldnt. i could feel my lips twitch slightly down

"hey, you okay?" she asked sympatheticly.
as much as i loved maya, i hated "you okay" . no im not. i just broke up with someone i loved and hoped to have a future with. he kissed his ex and people probably have it on video or pictures because it was at a packed airport and were both famous. hes been blowing up my phone and it takes everything in me not to cry, scream, run away, quit my job, quit social media, take him back, cuss him or ruby out. i wanted to be strong. but i know i cant because ill have to face him eventually in scenes. thankfully me and his scenes dont cross much.

"y/n?" maya said with a worried look on her face, snapping me out of my trance of sadness.
"yeah sorry, just a bit upset" i said back trying to give the best smile i could manage
"nothing i cant fix!" she said energetically and smiled

she was right. whenever my days were gloomy and sad. her presence made me feel better, maybe everyones day. it was like she has positive radiance beaming off of her

the waitress soon came back and we both ordered our food and continued talking about lots. talking like old friends who hadnt seen each other in years. it felt nice and for once since this week, i felt loved.

if your enjoying the book, add it to your library so you'll be updated for every new chapter!
word count: 781

hey guysss! so yeah i know havent updated for like 2 months.. im so sorry i really didnt think school would be kicking me like tjis but jesussss. ts is hard. anyway. hopefully and ik i say this every chapter, new chaps will be coming out weekly since winter break is coming up !!!! but enjoy this short nice chapter from a break for my sad past ones !!

love y'all, byee💟
                -12 13/22

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