Chapter 1

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Katsuki Bakugou Life

Hey! My name is Katsuki Bakugou. I'm 17 years old. My life was so great... maybe a little bad but it was alright then I went to middle school and that was when my life changed a lot. There's this boy named Izuku Midoriya. He is real to me and bullies me a lot. We used to be friends when we were little, but he changed when we went to middle school. I miss us being best friends. He began messing with me when we were just starting middle school. He started calling me names like a monster, villain, and this one word that hurt tons, FAG. We have known each other ever since we were born due to our parents knowing each other since high school. Eventually, I had enough and we got into a fight. Our fight was about a magazine covering this All Might toy. I was always an All Might fan until he told me I couldn't be a hero without a quirk. That seriously broke everything in me so at that point I gave up on my dream to become a hero. I just let Izuku and his friends bully me daily. I felt that Izuku was starting to feel sorry for me but it was almost as if he didn't want me and his friends to know that. I just hope he stops hurting me soon. I liked him even through all of the bullying. I have always had a crush on him since I was 9 years old. I know he doesn't like me back in that way but it doesn't hurt to have a crush right?

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