✰ (Rewritten)

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The night Casey Becker and her boyfriend were killed Y/N was in his room doing his own thing unaware of what happened that night. Y/N suddenly heard a noise outside his window, Y/N was a bit confused and scared so he went to see what caused the noise. When Y/N went to investigate Billy suddenly appeared. "Hey." Was all he said while Y/N screamed from the sudden jumpscare.

"Jesus, Billy! You scared the shit out of me!" Y/N yelled quietly because his dad was around. Billy climbed through his window and into Y/N's room. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." Billy apologized before Y/Ns dads' voice could be heard and Y/N started to panic. "You need to hide Billy" Y/N said quietly. Suddenly Y/Ns dad came in. "Hey is everything okay? I heard screaming."

Y/N turned to face his dad with a bit of panic on his face but he calmed down. "Yeah, everything is okay," Y/N said while he looked at his dad trying to calm himself down. Y/N's dad was a bit suspicious, especially with how nervous Y/N looked. "You sure?" Y/n nodded his head.

"Alright well, I'm gonna get going to bed since I have to leave for the airport early tomorrow morning. You have all the numbers in case of emergency right?" Y/N nodded his head. "Yes, I have the number for the airport and the hotel and your work." Y/Ns dad smiled. "Alright and remember your stepmom will be here too." Y/N was tense a bit when his dad mentioned his stepmom.

Y/N didn't like his stepmom one bit. Y/Ns mom was killed over a year or so ago and after all that his dad decided to marry some mean and bossy two-faced bitch. Y/N sighed and nodded his head and his dad smiled "Alright, get some sleep kiddo, see you in a couple of weeks" Y/Ns dad partly shut the bedroom door. 

Billy suddenly came from behind Y/Ns bed sighing in relief. "That was close." Y/N turned to face Billy nodding his head. "Yeah but anyway what are you doing here?" Billy turned to face Y/N. "Well, I was watching the exorcist and it got me thinking about us." Y/N looked confused by what he said, how did a horror movie remind Billy of their relationship? 

"What do you mean by "it reminds you of us"?" Y/N asked going to lean against the desk in his room. "Well it was on one of the channels so it cut out all the good stuff from it like the gore and such and it reminded me of our relationship, our relationship is like that movie but all the good stuff is cut out."

Soon Y/N realised what he meant and a bit of redness appeared on his cheeks. "Oh I see what you mean, it's because we haven't had sex yet" Billy stood over Y/N looking down at him before he nodded his head. Suddenly Y/N saw the time it was getting late and they both had school tomorrow.

"You should get going home Billy it's getting late." Billy looked over at the alarm clock on Y/Ns nightstand before nodding his head, walking over towards the window he climbed in. "Look, just know I'm not pressuring you into having sex we'll do that when you're ready" Billy reassured, and Y/N's lips curled into a soft smile.

"You know, how about we keep this relationship a PG-13 relationship?" Billy raised an eyebrow. "A PG-13 relationship?" Y/N nodded his head. "Yeah, a PG-13 relationship" Y/N leaned in and gave Billy a quick kiss before pulling away. "See you tomorrow Billy" Billy smiled before he was gone

The next day

A night after Casey Becker and her boyfriend Steve were killed, news reporters were all over the school and some students were confused while others were shocked to hear about their deaths. Tatum and Sidney were walking to school Sidney was confused with everything. "Tatum? What the hell is going on?" Tatum looked over at Sidney raising an eyebrow. "You didn't hear? Casey and her boyfriend Steve were brutally murdered." Sidney looked over at Tatum. 

"Casey? Do you mean Casey Becker?" Tatum nodded her head and soon Y/N ran up to them when he saw all the news reporters and cops. "Dude, what the hell is going on?" Y/N looked around the place while he walked near them both. "You didn't hear either? Geez you both need to watch the news." Tatum sighed slightly. "Casey Becker and her boyfriend were killed last night and Casey's parents found her hanging from a tree with her insides on the outside." Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. 

"Geez sounds fucking brutal." Y/N was hoping this kill would be the only one around and that no more would happen. "Yeah, and they're interviewing everyone at school it's fucking crazy." Soon the bell rang and everyone went to their classes.

Y/N was sitting in his first class and he looked over at the empty desk where Casey used to sit. Soon a cop came in with a piece of paper and handed it to the teacher, the teacher looked towards Y/N before speaking. "Y/N? It's your turn." Y/N stood up and went with the officer. Soon Y/N was sitting in the principal's office with a few officers in the room including Tatum's brother Dewey. 

"Alright, Y/N, we have a few questions to ask you." The principal said. Y/N nodded his head. "Alright perfect, so first did you know Casey or Steve at all?" Y/N shook his head. "I mean Casey sat next to me in my first class but nothing else." The principal nodded his head. Soon after the questioning, Y/N was dismissed and he went back to class.

At lunch

Y/N, Billy, Sidney, Tatum, Stu, and Randy were all at lunch sitting on the fountain. They were all discussing the murder that took place last night. "So wait how do you gut someone?" Sidney asked and Stu looked over at Sidney. "Well, first you cut someone open and-" Before Stu could finish Randy cut in. "How in hell do you know how to gut someone? How do we know you didn't kill Casey and her boyfriend?" Randy said and Stu turned towards Randy. 

"Wait, are you accusing me of killing them both?" Everyone looked towards Stu and Randy. Tatum looked at Stu and a slight smirk appeared on her face. "Stu was with me all night," Stu smirked slightly too. "Yeah, I was." 

"Didn't you used to date Casey, Stu?" Y/N asked before grabbing a bottle of water and sipping from it. "I did but she left me for Steve." Tatum then looked at Stu. "I thought you left her for me?" Stu then looked at Tatum. "Yeah, I did."

Soon lunch ended and everyone said bye and went their separate ways and went to their classes.

After School

Y/N soon arrived home and saw his stepmom on the couch smoking while talking on the phone. Y/N sighed, he hated his stepmom more than anything because nothing could replace his actual mom. His stepmom looked at Y/N and rolled her eyes before she hung up the phone. "What are you looking at?" Y/N then looked away and he took his shoes off kicking them aside. "Alright, you're on your own for the next few days." 

Y/N raised an eyebrow from confusion. "Where are you going?" SM/N grabbed her purse and she fixed her high heels before grabbing the car keys. "None of your business brat, anyway you'll be on your own so don't do anything stupid." Soon she left and now Y/N was lone

Later that evening Y/N was sitting on his bed really bored so he decided to call Billy. Y/N went downstairs grabbed the home phone and dialed Billy's number, soon Y/N heard a familiar voice on the other side. "Hello?" Y/N went to the kitchen and leaned against the counter. "Billy, hey, I'm home alone since my stepmom is going out cheating on my dad again so can I maybe stay over at your house? Maybe we can watch a few movies? Your choice" 

Billy immediately responded. "Yeah I'll go to the video store and pick a couple of things up" Y/N sighed in relief so he wouldn't be bored for the next couple of days. "Awesome, I'll see you soon." Y/N then hung up after saying goodbye. He sat on the couch and looked at the small clock on the table by the couch, it was 7:00 PM, and Billy said he'd take about 25 to 30 minutes

Y/N stared at the ceiling and waited but soon his eyes felt heavy and he fell asleep...

To be continued

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