The Plan

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Carmen walked through the streets, singing quietly. She'd gone on a walk to clear her head and try to come up with some clue as to how to help the boys play the Orpheum.

"Something big, something crazy, our best is yet unknown. That this moment is ours to own, 'cause we're standing on the edge of great." The girl sang as she kicked a rock. "Standing on the edge of," Another voice cut in to join her.

"Running from the past." She turned to see Luke and smiled. "Tripping on the now. What is lost can be found, it's obvious." The two ghosts smiled. "I didn't know you could sing, Elle." The boy said, joining her on the walk. The brunette shrugged, her hands in her pockets.

"That's cause I don't very often."

"Well you should. From what I heard you've got a great voice." Luke said and the girl smiled.

"Thanks." Carmen glanced up at the boy. "So do you." She nudged him and Luke laughed. She loved his laugh. The boy smiled at her as they walked.

"I–uh, I need to te–" He was about to say something but someone cut him off.

"Oi, Carmella!" The girl rolled her eyes. Luke went to look back at who was talking but Carmen grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Don't look back. Keep walking. Eventually he'll go away." She said and he raised an eyebrow.


"Carmella! I know you can hear me, girl!" The voice called again from right behind them. Once again the dark haired boy tried to turn around.

"Don't." Carmen warned and a man appeared in front of them. He was tall, well built and clearly in his mid-twenties.

"Don't act like you can't see me, Carmella."

"There's nothing to see."

"Oh, you wound me." The brunette tried to walk passed but he stepped in front of her. "Ah, ah, ah. I don't even get a hello?" Luke watched from beside the ghost girl, his jaw clenched.

"Fuck off, Samuel."

"Ooh, harsh." Carmen tried to step around him once more but he grabbed her arm. "Where you think you're going, pretty lady."

"Away from you." She ripped her arm out of his grasp and glared at the man. "I've told you before, leave me alone."

"See, I know you don't mean that, Carmella."

"Yes, I do." Samuel moved closer to her but Luke stepped between them.

"She said she's not interested. So back off." He warned and the man sized him up, laughing.

"Ha, where'd you pick this one up? The dump?" Samuel pushed the boy and Luke fell to the ground.

"Luke!" Carmen exclaimed, worried he might have gotten hurt. The dark haired boy jumped up, looking pissed. "Let's just go." The girl grabbed his hand but Samuel grabbed her.

"Just because you've got some pretty boy walking around with you doesn't mean you're any less mine." Carmen turned around and punched the boy square in the nose, making him back up.

"I never was and never will be yours." She shouted at the man who glared back at her.

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