That's when she spotted Thema. She was strumming her guitar, humming an unfamiliar tune. Her hair blew softly in the wind, and the sun hit the side of her face just right, most likely Apollo's doing.

"Hey T," She greeted lazily — plopping down on her best-friend's bed and getting into a comfortable position.

"Hey there, Sel," Thema chirped back — studying her carefully. "No offense, but you look like a dying pelican."

"Gee, thanks."

"What's up, girl?"

Selene groaned into a pillow. "Boys are so infuriating."

"You're just realizing?"

"Mal and Percy got into a fight —"

"What's new, Selene?"

"No, a fist fight."

Thema shrugged. "I mean, it was bound to happen. Those two have had it out for each other ever since Zeus was born."

"Percy says they fought because of me," Selene said, flipping onto her back and staring at the wall. "Apparently, Mal told Percy that we were together. I told Percy that was a lie, and told him I'd handle it, and what does he do? He knocks Mal out."

Thema put her guitar away. "Wait, he knocks Mal out? Badass!"

"Was that the only part you were listening to?"

Thema walked over to her, sat on the side of the bed, and slung her arm over her shoulders. "Sel, boys are always going to be puffing their chests out and showing off. That's what they do. And, even though both of them have a lack of a brain —"

She snorted.

"They both really care for you. So, it's up to you. I'm not saying pick one or the other — hell, I'm not even saying to pick one. But just know there is a way to move on from...all this. You just gotta be patient."

Selene beamed, leaning into her side. "Thanks, T."

"Always, Sel. Now, go get 'em. Or fuck 'em, if you want, I don't care."

"PERCY!" SELENE YELLED, catching up to him. He was walking towards the sword arena, where the second council meeting of the day would be held.

The sun slowly set over Half-Blood Hill. Woof nymphs and satyrs played their fiddles, attracting fireflies. The humidity was annoying, but..strangely comforting.

Percy turned to face her, hope flashing in his eyes. He stopped in his tracks, raising a brow.

His black eye seemed to considerably gone down, and his knuckles were firmly wrapped in the bandages that Selene put on earlier. His hair was messy, as usual — and his mouth twitched into a small smile.

"Hey, Selene. You still mad at me?"

Though he did have a bit of attitude in his words, she could sense some desperation and sadness cracking through his facade.

Selene sighed. Before she could second-guess it, she reached up and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Percy's eyes widened, his face bright red. "Oh, wow. You — woah. That was — that was very bold of you."

She raised a brow.

"I mean — not that I didn't like it —" He started to add, cheekily, only to be interrupted by a laugh.

Percy grinned at her laugh. And soon enough, he was laughing, too.

Selene grabbed his hand. "Hey, Barnacle Boy....I'm sorry for what happened at the infirmary. I was just really stressed out with this whole Mal thing, and I — I didn't know what to do. About him, about the fight, I — shit, sorry, you probably don't want me ranting about this —"

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