I cried quietly remembering the times Ben and I had spent together talking. If he had known how things would have gone it would have crushed him. 

I fixed myself up until I was ready to go to school. Looking around as I felt the graveyard. I longed to be there. Beside my brother and finally at peace. 

Standing outside the school I watched as kids made their way inside. None of them bothering to look over at me. People knew I was there, but they didn't care. I was the freak nobody wanted to associate with.

My blood turned cold when I noticed Harry Anderson standing on the front step. He was watching me with an evil smirk on his face. His dark brown hair slightly curled at the top of his head. His cold brown eyes making me shiver as I stared into them.

He walked down the steps and stopped in front of me, smiling. I felt the tears start to roll down my cheeks and he leaned forward.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. Looks like little Kyle will start crying again. Sleep beside Ben's grave again, did we?" He taunted and before I knew what was happening he pushed me against the car behind me.

"Fags like you deserve to die, Kyle. Your brother died for you. He didn't deserve to die. But you did, everyone knows that."

He stared at me again for a minute before walking up the steps and into the school. I stood there shaking. The memory of the night my brother died played in my mind.

I cried myself to sleep. He was gone really gone. Nothing was going to bring him back. Not even killing myself would bring Ben back.

A knock on the door disturbed me. I looked over to the door and saw Harry standing there. He was looking at me with pure hate etched on his face. I cried louder when he moved closer to me. I could feel him bend over me and he whispered in my ear.

"You're going to pay for everything faggot."

My body stiffened and I gagged when he pushed himself into me. I lay there motionless untile he had finished. The pain I had experienced was unbearable. I was bleeding onto the sheets but I didn't care. I just wanted Ben back.

I started hyperventilating. The pain was overwhelming. Everything in my life had gone to hell. The only person that ever loved me was dead. I missed my brother.

"Get to class you stupid queer." Mr. Wyatt, the principal shouted to me and I ran up the steps and into the school.

The hallway was deserted and I made my way to class. My morning classes were not too bad. Everyone was quiet and didn't bother to pay attention to me so I took the morning in my stride. Things seemed to be looking up, but I should have known better.

"Look who we have here boys." Harry's voice leered when I walked into the boys toilets. I tried to turn around but I was grabbed and thrown against the cold tile wall.

"Don't run away fag boy. You need to hear what we have to say." Harry stepped forward and his fist collided with my jaw.

After being beaten within an inch of my life, the boys stood away. "Now, we hear there that you've been looking at colleges away from Wyoming. I just want to make one thing clear. You wont ever get away from us. I will track you down myself and kill you. So don't bother running away."

"Yeah. He will kill you." The other boys said and then they walked out. Leaving me sitting there shivering and bleeding all over.

My face was black and blue and there were several cuts on my cheeks and over my eye. My lips were cut and swollen. I had a couple of bald patches from where they ripped it from the roots and my neck had hand prints over the base.

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