Chapter 7

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Sheesh, still no Apocalypse. Well, as long as you guys enjoy the storyline, then it's alright for me


Michael POV

Even though some of my friends decided to wait for the elevator to come, the rest of us, (the majority, that is) took the staircase to the ground floor. It was half past eight. , The party room was as we left it, and people were already getting in the mood.

Ruby was in higher spirits, but I saw her face fall when she saw her pendant on the floor. She quickly pocketed it and joined the group.

Amy was connecting her iPad to the projector, so we could Skype Kriti. The lights dimmed, and we constantly shushed each other, even though we were talking loudly as well.

"Hey!" Amy shouted over the crowd, though nobody seemed to be listening. She took out an air horn and blew it, the sound echoing throughout the entire hall.

"Hey!" People were listening now. "I'm gonna call Kriti and I want all of you to shut up. It's her birthday so don't be stupid."

It's funny that if you can make the loudest sound people will listen to you.

Amy tapped on Kriti's account and pressed on the 'video call' icon. The screen went blue, ringing Kriti. The annoying 'brrr brrr' of the Skype went on for a while, but soon Kriti answered.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" We shouted.

Kriti's eyes went wide and she quickly removed her earphones. She put her hand to her head, as if she just survived a heart attack. We all laughed, and she glared at us. She seemed quite intimidating since her face was so much bigger than ours.

She said something, but we couldn't hear what she was saying.

"Um Kriti?" I said. "I think you're microphone is on silent."

She stopped tapped something on the screen, preventing us from seeing her.

"No," I said, "That's the camera, tap that icon thing again."

Another tampering. We saw Kriti's face again.

"Okay." Amy said. "There should be a microphone symbol somewhere."

Kriti looked at the screen then seemed to be saying its on.

"Are you sure?" Amy asked again.

I saw Yash sneak up to the sound system and change something. He turned some kind of knob, before retreating back into the crowd.

"Can you hear me now?" Kriti asked.

"YES Yes! We can hear you!" Amy exclaimed.

"Jeez GENIUSES." Yash said. "The volume was off."

"Yeah I knew that." Max said.

"Sure you did." Kriti replied. "And next time, don't shout. I swear you almost gave me a heart attack."

"Where are you anyways?" Hugh asked.

"I'm in China."

"No freaking duh. I meant WHERE in China."


"Real helpful." Lily interrupted.

"Well look who decided to show up late for the party." Kriti said, looking at the back of our room. "Twit Twat."

"Mees Kreetee." TimTam said, making fun of her accent.

"I don't say it like that."

"Well I do."

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