Final Chapter

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"Psst! Riko!" I called for his name while I cover my eyes. I can't stand the bright light coming from the sun. I searched for him on the grass field and there I saw him seating under a tree. With Sue on his lap.

"What are you doing out there, honey?" I asked sitting beside him. I fixed my white long dress.

"Thinking why I'm the only one in school who doesn't have a Daddy." He answered. My brow arched at what he said but before I could speak he continues.

"I know.. I have mommy and Uncle Draken.. but everyone is teasing me for not having my own dad." He continues. His cheeks turning red while he bit his lips trying not to look at me. I know he's about to cry.

"I'm so sorry, honey. Maybe one day you will cross paths with him right?" I said giving him a hug. With Sue in the middle of us we enjoyed the company of each other in this breezy morning.

"I'm already six years old and you always give me the same answer." He murmurs on my neck so I smiled. I tickles him but instead of laughing he held my hand and gave me a death glare with a pout. So adorable. But his lavender eyes is too deadly for a six years old.

"You won't understand, mommy's story if I explained it to you this early." I said not giving him an alibi like his dad is a soldier that died because he take his own life etc.

"Are you two divorced? You know you shouldn't have made me if you two are going divorced." By what he said my heart sunk. How can you say that?

"No. Don't think like that. You are our treasure." I said giving him an assuring smile.

"I won't argue with you today. But someday I'm gonna look for him and argue with the both of you." He said before walking away. I laughed at how he acted. I carried Sue on my arms and follow him inside the rest house.

Everything went so peaceful for this past six years when Ran let me go.

And I was blessed with Riko.

The day I found out I was pregnant.. I can still remember it as if it happened yesterday.

I'm so scared.. but look I grown so much.

"Y/n. So how's your stay here?" Draken asked me. I smiled at him before putting Sue on his cage.

"It's amazing." I answered looking at the window where I can glance at the nearby beach.

"Did Ran sent you a letter again?" I shook my head at his question. Yes Ran sent me a letter 10 months ago. Telling me he was doing fine. And is ready to face me. But it's so much better if we stayed like this. Two worlds apart with nothing in between.

There's no good in the relationship we had. Since the very first day I am caged, locked and abused. But it's all in the past now. It's stays right at the back which I will never look again.

"That's good. Him knowing your address and sending you a letter is alarming." Draken said once more patting my head.

"It's not appropriate" I strictly told him showing him my index finger.

"Sorry, haha. You look serious." He joked before putting his arms on my shoulders.

"Six years had passed. Please expect Riko to look for his father. But you have! To tell him what's wrong when the right time comes." Draken lectured me squeezing my shoulders.

"So how's your chemotherapy?" He asked again caressing my cheeks. He's fingers tracing on my eye bags.

"I don't really want to talk about it." I said holding his hands and leaning my head on his chest. My slender and thin fingers intertwined with his hand as I close my eyes feeling the breeze.


Riko's POV.

I put the flower in front of mom and smiled at her. She looks beautiful everyday.

"You know how much I loved this girl named Miyu. She's really amazing, a sweet girl and an author like you, mom!" I said taking a sip on my Americano.

"But she got a very strict step brother. He got lavender eyes like me mom. He's really strict tho Miyu is just his step sister. He protects her much." I continues shaking my head. Everytime I remember her brother I got chills down my spine.

"Oh I already remember her brother's name. It's Jun.. hmm.. Jun Haitani to be exact." I said slightly giggling.

I caresses her thomb, touching my mother's beautiful name. I'm 21 years old and it's been 5 years since my mom left me but I still miss her like she left a few minutes ago.

"Excuse me? Riko-kun?" I wiped the upcoming tears and looked at who called my name. It's Miyu..

"Oh hi. H-how are you? What are you doing here?" I nervously asked her. My nervousness increase when I saw her step brother at the back.

"We are going to visit his mother. There just a few steps away." Miyu sweetly said giving me the sweetest smile.

"Stop flirting. We will keep going." Jun strictly said dragging Miyu with him. When I was about to turn my back at them I noticed a man behind me.

He.. kinda looks like me I guess when he's younger.

"Who are you?" I asked him. His calm lavender orbs looks directly to me. He beems a smile before pointing on my mother's thomb.

"Your mother's? Y/n's?" He asked that makes my brow arched.

"Yes? Did you know her?"

"I'm her fan back in the days. Surprising to know she's here already." He answered that makes me confused.

"But her death is announced on the midea?" I said almost sounding like a question. Yeah that's how popular mom is. He smiled and patted my shoulders.

"You got her nose. And the way she talks." He said before walking away. When I'm about to call him, Jun called him.

"Uncle! Put the flowers here."


You reached the final chapter! I'm so glad doing it with you guys. I'm really sorry for not updating for a long time. I got busy on school works!

Thank you guys for supporting this fanfic of mine!

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Username: btch4yeager (Yrina Yamato)

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