Timey and Metal Straw, Part 2

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When Timey told beeps friends about Metal Straw, Gear was baffled by Timey's actions, and Football said, "You have a crush on her, don't you?"

After Timey insisted they didn't, Football said he couldn't see Timey in a relationship anyways.

"What's THAT supposed to mean?!"

Football smiled pitifully. "Oh, y'know. You're just quirky. A bit all over the place. I just can't imagine someone liking you that way, no offense."

Gear briefly scolded Football on his statement, and turned to Timey. "Don't listen to him. I'm sure you'll find somebody."

Later that night, Timey stared at the ceiling. They knew they were staying up later than usual, but couldn't seem to stop thinking about what Football said.

Was Timey really unlovable? Were all of Timey's efforts to make beeps life more fulfilling preventing them from the ability to pursue a relationship? Thinking these things made Timey uncomfortable.

They thought back on Metal Straw as well. Admittedly, Timey thought Metal Straw was... Cool? Attractive? Generally fun to hang out with?

But Timey wasn't sure if they just thought Metal Straw was fun to be around or if beep was genuinely into them romantically.

These things always confused and troubled Timey to think about, so often they resorted to not thinking about them. It was easier that way.

The next day, Timey called Metal Straw to hang out again. And the day after that. Besides a few groans and eye rolls, Timey felt like Metal Straw seemed to enjoy the time they spent together, but never really asked either.

Usually it was Timey calling or messaging Metal Straw and asking if it'd like to hang out, and Metal Straw agreeing, sometimes after some pleases.

However, Timey's friends had suggested that Metal Straw might find Timey's antics annoying. And Football even suggested Timey having a crush on Metal Straw.

And upon closer inspection, maybe they did. Timey was never great at deciphering beeps own feelings, but how beep felt with Metal Straw definitely felt special to them. The only question was if Metal Straw felt the same.

"Well, somebody is quiet today," Metal Straw mumbled, tilting a bit.

Timey snapped back into reality from beeps thoughts. "Aha, my bad! I was just spacing out."

"Is something wrong?"

Timey felt nervous. Did something seem wrong? Metal Straw can clearly see that Timey was thinking about something.

"I just... I feel bad. For forcing you to hang out with me all the time... I'm sorry."

Metal Straw was quiet for a moment, Timey feeling slight regret for saying anything.

But then:

"Hey, I could've just not came to hang out though," Metal Straw said.

"Yeah, but I always... You never even think about hanging out unless I ask, and sometimes I have to try really hard to convince you, and I feel bad because you might not even want to..."

"Timey," Metal Straw said sternly, "You're wrong."

Timey looked up, confusedly. "What?"

Metal Straw smiled. "I... I'm not great at saying it, but I'm glad you enjoy hanging out with me... I know I'm hesitant, but when you get me out here... I enjoy it, a lot."

Metal Straw smirked a bit, adding, "even if you are very annoying and weird."

Timey laughed, feeling a bit more at ease. "Alright alright.. good... now what should we do?"

In the more time spent together, Metal Straw told Timey more about their past. He'd been homeless for a while, ever since the building they lived in burned down. Metal Straw talked about how they liked catching things on fire as well, which Timey compared to campfires, asking if Metal Straw had roasted marshmallows. Apparently she'd eaten a sea turtle egg before, which Timey scolded them for, since sea turtles are endangered. Unlike Timey's assumption, Metal Straw did not own a motorcycle. (It was disappointing.)

However, despite these things, Timey felt attached to it. Metal Straw treated Timey like a normal object. Metal Straw chose to tolerate them, despite the flaws beep had, and that was something Timey appreciated.

And little did beep know, Metal Straw was catching feelings too.

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