Timey and Metal Straw, Part 1

Start from the beginning

They pulled out a 50 dollar bill, and Timey smiled, pouring the "lemonade" into a cup.

Metal Straw hesitantly handed the 50-dollar bill to the alarm clock. She would have tried finding a vending machine, but for whatever reason they couldn't find any. The mayor had been putting a lot of funds into stupid benches and parks. Plus, he wanted to humor himself as well.

The alarm clock smiled widely, pouring the lemonade into a cup, and finally handing it to her.

Metal Straw smiled back to the clock, and finally took a sip... and then immediately spat it back out.


The alarm clock held an aloof expression. "Lemonade!"

Metal Straw furrowed its eyebrows. "That is NOT lemonade!! Not normal lemonade at least! Is it poisoned?! What'd you put in it?!"

"Just lemonade ingredients," Timey said vaguely.

"Like what?! This doesn't taste ANYTHING like lemonade!"

"It's vegan."


"Well.. I used vinegar instead of lemons.."


"I remembered the ice though," Timey said.

"You??? I paid 50 dollars for LEMONADE!! I only have like, a few hundred bucks in my name.. can I have a refund?! I was thirsty.."

Timey stared at Metal Straw for a good second, an amused smirk on beeps face. "It isn't my fault you don't like my lemonade."

"It's not lemonade. You didn't use lemons. REAL lemonade doesn't consist of vinegar."

"Maybe my definition of lemon IS vinegar. Maybe for me, this IS lemonade!" Timey felt quite philosophical saying that.

Metal Straw groaned. "Fine. I'll find some other source of hydration I guess."

Timey frowned as the other started walking away.

"Don't you wanna buy more?" Timey asked, following the other.

"No," Metal Straw said.

"Okay, but I pranked you pretty good, didn't I?"

Metal Straw sighed. "Sure, yeah."

Timey chuckled to beepself, continuing to follow Metal Straw.

"Why are you following me?"

Timey took a moment to consider the question. Why were they?

"I dunno, I guess I'm surprised I was able to convince somebody to buy my lemonade!"

Metal Straw rolled their eyes. "Well, I'm the stupid fool. Now unless you're going to give me a refund, go away."

"Where are you going?" Timey questioned, ignoring what Metal Straw said.

"None of your business. Away from you."

"Dang," Timey exclaimed. "Can I get your number?"

Metal Straw stopped walking, and stared at Timey for a moment. "Why would I give you my number?!"

"Would you give me it for 50 dollars?"

There was a silence between the two, before:

"Fine. But you'd better not scam me again."

The two exchanged numbers, and Timey gave Metal Straw its 50 dollars back.

"Guess no profit today.. but hey, economy!"

Metal Straw stared confusedly for a moment, before snickering. "You're weird."

"I get that a lot," Timey responded with a smile, and then noticed a tall tree.

"Wanna see how high I can climb that?"

"Uh.. sure?"

Timey gave a thumbs up, and then began climbing.

Metal Straw was a bit surprised at how high up the tree the other climbed.

"Woah! I'm so high! Hello down there!" Timey exclaimed, waving down to Metal Straw, but then losing balance. "YIKES! AAAAAA!"

Metal Straw gasped. "AH!"

Metal Straw reached out, managing to catch the alarm clock.

"Are you okay?!" Metal Straw asked the clock, which he was now holding.

"...I think!"

Metal Straw put them down. "Y-you gotta be careful! You can't just climb up random trees!"

"But you wanted to see how high I can climb!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did."

The two talked for a bit, before finally separating... for now.

[Note: This was written over a month ago.]

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