Singing in the shower - Danhausen

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Request by: @EmmaParkerMaximoff, I hope you like it, he's hard to write!
Inspo song: Becky G - Singing in the shower


Staring at my phone, a smile spread across my lips "See you tonight!" was all the text said, but it filled me with butterflies. Opening up my happy playlist on my phone I hit play and headed for a shower. The joyous feeling wouldn't go away as I sang along while washing myself and shaving my legs ready for tonight's show, and once I was done, I found myself dancing around the hotel room in my underwear, floating on cloud nine. You see, the text was from Donovan Danhausen.. My favorite adorable goof. I hadn't seen him in weeks, and for the first time in a while, we were both booked on Dynamite tonight which meant I'd get to see him and I couldn't wait to find myself laughing until my cheeks hurt, something that always happened when we were together. He always made me smile, though it's probably something to do with the huge crush I have on him, I really like him, and there had been a few moments when I wondered if maybe he felt the same.

Once I'd picked out a cute outfit and made sure my hair was looking okay, I grabbed my gear bag and made my way to the arena, still unable to wipe the smile from my face. An hour or two passed and I couldn't contain my excitement, my gear was laid out ready and I'd been the first in hair and makeup to be sure that once he got to the arena, I could spend as much time with him as possible, and finally, that time had come, I spotted him walking into the arena, dragging his small suitcase behind him "There he is!" I called, almost sprinting at him "Hey Ryleigh!" He chuckled as he let go of his case to catch me in a hug "How's my favorite demon?" I asked letting him go so he could get his stuff "I'm good, but running a bit late, I've gotta do my face paint, then I'll come and find you, I promise" He smiled, squeezing my arm with his free hand and then wandering off to find his locker room.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Chuck teased as we sat around a table in catering, and Trent chuckled, knowing who he meant "If you're talking about our spooky friend, he's getting ready, he should be here any minute actually" I answered before sticking my tongue out at him. Trent and Chuck knew that I liked him, but it didn't bother me, nothing could dull my mood when I was around him, and at that moment, I heard my favorite sound "Ah, Danhausen's lady of darkness! There you are" I grinned at Danhausen as he wandered into the room, in full show mode. The guys smiled and rolled their eyes when he called me that, considering Lady of Darkness was my moniker, it was a normal thing to be called but I loved it when he called me his lady. "Danhausen would like to know if you would accompany him to the ring this evening" he said, standing in front of our table. The guys gave each other a knowing look as I grinned "Of course I will, somebody needs to make sure there are no shenanigans out there" I replied, surprised that he had asked such a thing, but happy about it nonetheless "Then you must dress in your finest attire! Come! Danhausen cannot be late, or they might pay me less money!" I giggled at him, but got up from the table and said my goodbyes to the guys and followed Danhausen down the halls to my locker room, but when we entered I was confused.

I'd left my ring gear laid out ready for my match later, but on top of it was a bag "Danhausen got you a gift.." He said quietly so the other girls in the locker room wouldn't pay too much attention "You didn't have to get me anything" I replied, opening the bag, but I gasped when I saw it. A beautiful short black dress with lace detail  over the chest and shoulders with a longer chiffon skirt that draped from the waist down to about ankle length. "It's beautiful!" I breathed looking over the dress in my hands "Danhausen thought you'd look pretty in this when we walk to the ring" he said from beside me and I simply grinned "Anyway, I must go while you prepare yourself, I look forward to our entrance dear Ryleigh" he said, before giving me a small smile and set off out of the room. I got changed and luckily had a pair of shoes with me that would look cute with the dress, after I'd put them on, I walked to the floor length mirror and couldn't stop smiling. The chiffon over skirt flowed behind me as I walked, in the same way a cape would.. So that's why he wanted me to wear it, I thought to myself as I checked the time and realized I had to go or I would be late.

Entering gorilla, I saw Danhausen ready for his match and waiting for me, he turned and when he saw me, he didn't say a word, just looked me up and down, that gave me butterflies, this is a man who never shuts up, why isn't he talking?  "How do I look?" I asked breaking the silence "Very elegant, very evil" He grinned, but then a member of the crew called that they were ready for him, he nodded and took my hand giving it a quick squeeze before releasing it and climbing the steps as his music began. He walked out onto the stage to screaming and cheering from the fans, who only seemed to get louder when I stepped out behind him smiling like crazy. I followed him to the ring and stayed ringside for his match, it was only a quick match and unfortunately, he lost, but I helped him out of the ring and he slipped him arm around my shoulders so I could help him to the back.

Upon entering his locker room, I realized it was empty, this would mean he would drop character as he always did when we were alone, but this time he didn't. He just kept quiet, fidgeting with his hands and not looking at me, but instead he busied himself with his bag before he eventually spoke"Danhausen has something to ask you, Ryleigh.. Lady of Darkness" I felt butterflies rising in my stomach again "go ahead" I said, hoping it was finally happening "Danhausen enjoys spending time with you very much, causing mischief and chaos together, cursing people and such." Suddenly he turned to look at me, but he looked deep into my eyes and then the act dropped as he sighed "You look beautiful in that dress, I'm glad you like it, and I really do love spending time with you." He stopped to take a step closer to me, still gazing into each other's eyes "I like you Ryleigh.. will you.." he hesitated " will you be my girlfriend?" he asked and I smiled so wide I thought my face might break "I like you too, I'd love to be your girlfriend" I said, taking his hand in mine. He smiled wide before leaning in to place the gentlest of kisses on my lips "by the way, you have to come to the ring for every match I have now" he said, placing his free hand on my hip "agreed, but that means you have to come to the ring with me, for my matches too" I replied "Speaking of which, I should really go and get changed into my ring gear" I continued, noticing the time on the clock behind him. "Of course" he replied and leaned in for one more soft, sweet kiss before we headed out of the room so I could change, but as we left the room, there was a group of wrestlers walking towards the locker room, so he switched straight back into character and simply called out "Danhausen has the prettiest girlfriend!" much to the shock of all the guys walking down the hall and I couldn't help but laugh as we walked through them all hand in hand, both grinning like idiots.

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I hope this is okay, I think it could have been better but nevermind.

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