Gorgeous - Will Ospreay

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Angsty drabble.

[Inspo, the song Gorgeous by Taylor Swift]

The club was packed with people, lights dancing over all the bodies pressed against each other as music blared, though I was stood alone. God only knows where Kenny had gone, he doesn't even drink, so I have no idea why he decided to join us, well he is my boyfriend, he has been for a few months, although he doesn't always act like it these days. I sipped my drink and watched the dancers when suddenly my heart started beating faster as I saw him. Will Ospreay. I hate him so much. Because I don't hate him. Not really.

He filled my thoughts a lot of the time, his gorgeous face, that cheeky crooked smile, his mop of curly hair, the tight jeans that accented his ass, how his shirt clung to his chest.. Ugh. There's nothing I hate more that what I can't have. My boyfriend was nowhere to be seen, so I grabbed another drink and a shot of whiskey and glanced back over to Will, stood with some girl, he took a drink from his beer bottle then his gaze caught mine, he simply winked at me and went back to the bimbo in front of him. I almost melted at the wink, but it soon turned to annoyance that he was walking around looking that good, while I sat by myself wondering where the Hell Kenny was. I wanted Will so bad, but I'd never admit that out loud.

In my annoyance, I had decided to drink quite a bit, I'd found some of the other wrestlers we'd come out with and decided to sit around a large table with them, but still no sign of Kenny, when I saw Ospreay approach our group, I instantly started talking shit about him, pretending I hadn't even noticed him wander over, the boys laughed at my mocking until Will took a seat, almost directly opposite me. I rolled my eyes and made a disgusted face, avoiding eye contact with him at all costs. I longed for him but he could never know, I had a boyfriend and he's probably not single.. If he's got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her, but if he's single, it's honestly worse.

Will could tell I was avoiding him, not even looking at him, chatting to everyone but him as I continued getting more and more drunk, though it seemed to be getting to him as I saw out of the corner of my eye, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, aiming directly towards me. The rest of the guys were busy with their conversation and it was overwhelmingly hard to not to look into his gorgeous eyes as I could feel his direct stare, when I was all of a sudden pulled back to reality by Kenny's hand on my shoulder "There you are!" He shouted over the music "Wait.. how much did you drink?" He questioned, noticing all the empty glasses in front of me, I shrugged "Not much.." I slurred in response but I could see Kenny wasn't impressed, he took my arm and lifted me from my chair, walking me to a quiet corner.

"What the fuck babe, why did you drink so much? Now we have to go so I can take care of you" He sighed, he looked annoyed but I didn't care, I could see Will from across the club, still watching me, his ocean Blue eyes, looking in mine "Are you listening to me? This is why I don't drink and why you shouldn't either." he said, but in that moment, everything fell into place "Because Kenny.. we're very different people, the last few months have been great Kenny but.." I stopped searching for the right words, but he just sighed heavily in response and cut me off "You know what, I'm going home, call me tomorrow when you're sober and ready to talk." He kissed my head and walked away.

What was I doing!? Pushing my boyfriend away for some guy I had only met a couple of times. Then I was furious, the alcohol exaggerating my emotions. This is all Will's fault, if he wasn't here, I'd be fine, he was ruining everything. How dare he make me feel this way when he's not mine. I decided another drink was needed, ignoring Will's gaze still on me, I headed for the bar and got another whiskey. When I eventually turned round to the table full of our friends, I noticed Will had gone, I glanced over the dance floor and found him with the bimbo he was with earlier, her hands running up his muscular arms while his were on her waist. I downed my drink and went to dance trying to ignore the perfect man that I hated..

After a while and a few more drinks, I was minding my own business, having a dance when Will brushed passed me, his hand sweeping over mine, his fingers grazing over mine as he walked passed, it sent electricity through me. I watched him go to the bar and get more drinks, and again my head was filled with him, I wasn't sure what was more intoxicating, the booze, or him. I thought about approaching him, but couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't look at his face any longer. I thought I might sink and drown and die. I grabbed my stuff and headed for a cab, he made me so happy that it made me sad for Kenny.. So I left.

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