03. jail birds

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(this is Owen btw)

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(this is Owen btw)

and a pair of matching pants, Layla found herself changing in the same cramped room as the enigmatic green woman who had thrown a punch at her just hours before. With her hearing aids confiscated, Layla was plunged into a disorienting silence, her mind buzzing with unease at the unknown circumstances surrounding their imprisonment.

As she slipped the tank top over her slender frame, Layla's gaze drifted to the scattered scars adorning her arms, a testament to the trials she had endured over the years. Though most were mere accidents, Layla couldn't shake the sense of insecurity they evoked within her. Her father's reassurances echoed in her mind, but doubts still lingered.

Glancing over at Gamora, Layla found herself drawn to the intense glare directed her way. When Gamora noticed Layla's gaze, she quickly averted her eyes, leaving Layla with a whirlwind of questions about the enigmatic woman now sharing her captivity. What drove her to pursue the orb with such fervor? What secrets lay hidden in her past?

Meeting up with her father, Layla strained to make out his words amidst the muffled chaos of their surroundings. "They took my hearing aids," Layla explained, gesturing to her ears as Peter's expression shifted to one of understanding.

Raising his hands to communicate through sign language, Peter conveyed a simple message: "Stay close to me." Layla nodded in response, grateful for her father's efforts to bridge the communication gap.

As the chaos of the prison unfolded around them, Layla found solace in the distraction provided by the commotion surrounding Gamora. With insults hurled and food flung, Layla welcomed the respite from the burden of strained communication.

"It's like I said, she's got a rep. A lot of prisoners lost their families to Ronan and his goons," Rocket's voice cut through the tumult, offering insight into Gamora's troubled past.

"The guards will protect her, won't they?" Peter inquired, his concern evident as he sought reassurance from Rocket.

"Their here to stop us from getting out. They don't care what we do to each other," Rocket replied matter-of-factly, dispelling any illusions of safety within the confines of the prison walls.

As the group's attention turned to Gamora's cryptic words, Layla couldn't help but feel a shiver of apprehension ripple through her. The arrival of a menacing figure only heightened the tension, prompting Peter to instinctively shield Layla from the looming threat.

"I'm gonna slather you up in Gunavian jelly, and go to town—" the aggressor threatened, his words cut short as Groot intervened with swift and decisive action, leaving the man writhing in pain on the floor.

With Rocket's declaration of solidarity, Layla felt a surge of gratitude towards their unlikely allies. Peter protectively gripped onto Layla's hand, they moved forward together.

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