Media day was hectic as everyone expected. Friday rolled around and FP1 and 2 were pretty uneventful. Y/n hadn't even seen Pierre at all. Ferrari had her running around like a lunatic, filming tiktoks, handing things out to fans, showing paddock guests around. She was finally given a break, 30 minutes before Quali, she was sitting with Charlotte and Isa about to have her salad, while the other two girls laughed at how their boyfriends looked like minions. Y/n's phone chimed in her pocket. 


Do you have 10 minutes?

I literally just got given a break

Come meet me 

Come through the back door and up the stairs to my driver room


"Cover for me? I need to go follow up on something from Milan" Y/n muttered to Charlotte, before standing up and speeding out of Ferrari. She very quickly maneuvered into Alpha Tauri and quietly knocked on Pierres door. A hand reached out and pulled her in, shutting the door very quickly. "I hate that you're so close to me all weekend, but so far away" Pierre whispered stroking her hair and pulling her close. "I know it's hard" Y/n said kissing his cheek. "I have something for you" Pierre said turning around. He handed her the pink tumbler, which was full of coffee. "This is very sweet Pierre!" Y/n said smiling, "How can I repay you?" she said with a smirk, sipping on her coffee. "Hmmm, you could give me a sip?" Pierre smiled. Y/n turned the straw around to face him, and when he went to take a sip, she pulled away the straw and kissed his already pursed lips. "Well, that works too" Pierre laughed. Y/n backed away from him, until she hit the wall opposite the door. "I think you deserve a few more, no?" she smirked. Pierre practically pounced at her. His hands were on either side of her head, pinning her against the wall. His lips met her and he pushed closer to her. His hands traced down her sides, stopping at her hips. "Jump" Pierre said, Y/n pulled away and looked at Pierre, "What". "Jump, I'll catch you, I mean, if you're comfortable" Pierre asked looking her in the eyes, Y/n nodded and jumped. Pierre's hand found her arse, her legs locked around him, and he had her pushed right up against the wall. Her hands fiddled with the hem of his top, pulling it up. "Off" she muttered against his lips and he happily obliged. Y/n could feel Pierre's boner pressing against her, her hand travelled down towards it, but he quickly grabbed her wrist and pinned it above her, "No Princesse, not here, and I want to touch you first, not the other way around." Y/n blushed red, but nodded okay. The kiss was so passionate, she'd never been kissed like that before. Y/n's hands found a place in Pierre's hair and she pulled on it slightly making him moan, which made her giggle. Pierre retaliated by squeezing her arse hard. This made her moan. Loudly. "Pierre, why did you do that" she squealed. "Did you not like it?"He said concerned. "I liked it a lot, maybe too much, made me uh horny? or turned on? Idk" she muttered quietly. "Lets see if you like this?" He started nibbling on her ear. "Mhmm, Pierre, I like that". At that second Pierre's door flew open. He immediately shielded her with his body. "Again, Pierre! Oh my god" Yuki shouted. Then he started making sex sounds "ohhhh Pierre, just like that baby! Let me see what she looks like man, I've already seen you fucking twice." Pierre looked down at Y/n and she shook her head in panic. She mouthed "He'll tell Charles". Pierre pulled the finger at Yuki, not moving from his place in front of her, "Fuck off, Yuki, Get the fuck out!" Yuki laughed and slammed the door behind him. "I'm sorry baby" Pierre whispered. "This is getting risky" Y/n muttered. "Yeah, let's smuggle you out."

Y/n was watching Quali with Charlotte. Q3 was had 4 minutes left, there was time for at least a couple more flying laps. Pierre had done remarkably well, he and Yuki were in the top ten. Pierre sitting at P4 and Yuki at P9. Charles was on pole as well. When the timer ran out, Pierre was sitting P3. Yuki's engineer came over the radio, "That P9 for you Yuki, and P3 for Pierre, we're in for a good fight tomorrow." Yuki laughed back over the radio, "I guess Pierre's new pre-race tactic is working," the engineer came back of the radio, "repeat please?" Yuki was cackling, "Pierre has this new pre-race ritual, I caught him prepping twice, or should I say fuc-". The engineer quickly shut the radio off. Charlotte was staring at Y/n. Y/n's face was covered in shock. She mouthed "we weren't, I promise" but the anxiety and tears were building in her eyes. "I'm going back to the hotel, tell Charles I felt sick", she grabbed her bag and fled the paddock. She got an uber from the paddock and as soon as she arrived at the suite, she threw herself onto the bed, and cried. She was so embarrassed, and mortified. Everyone thought of her as some type of play thing for Pierre. Even if they didn't know it was specifically her. She was sobbing for hours. When Arthur got home he heard his sister in the other room. "Y/n, Omg, what's going on. You need to breath. CHARLES, CHARLES, COME HERE", Charles had only just come through the door when he heard Arthur shouting. "What, what's going on?" Charles said powering through the door. "I can't get her to calm down" Arthur said kneeling next to Y/n. "Little Princess, what's wrong?" Charles asked. "I - Pierre -I -I" she stuttered out. "Is this about what Yuki said over the radio?" Charles asked. Y/n just nodded. "I- I'm going to- to the gym" She mumbled, "I'll be- I'll be back late"

5 minutes later, Pierre opened his door to find a tear stained Y/n, stood there, sniffing and whimpering. "Can I stay here tonight?" she asked timidly. "Absolutely" Pierre said quietly as his phone dinged. He ignored it simply holding the broken girl.

CHARLES (Calamar🐙)

Mate, I think my little sister has a crush on you

She's crying because you're fucking someone

Just let her down easy if she says anything about it

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