New York

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So New York City is based on our world except there are fictional characters in the show. The city takes place in the present day and based on the real world.

There are some familiar locations in New York like the Statue of Liberty, the Empire state building, Central park, and the main street. There are some new locations that aren't in real life.

There is April's college, Eastlaird where she investigates the vials in the lab. The college is named after Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman based on the name of the comic they have written.

Albearto's pizzeria and Albearto land is where people go to visit the pizzeria and park. The park has so many rides, a concert and Albearto robots greeting people. Some of the Albearto's from different franchinese have been scrapped and put down like Albeardo's Squid and Chips, Bayou Bearto's Gumbo House, [according to the series, Bayou Bearto's restaurant name is unknown so I decided to name it]. La Petite Albear, and Otto Von Bearto's Best Wurst House. The restaurant and park was destroyed by a now conscious Albearto but it was rebuilt a few weeks later.

Repo Mantis' junkyard has so many scraps and junks and he has a R.V where he used to live. And there was this giant cave where his mutated hybrid, half cat, half mantis Mrs. Nubbins was kept. And during the investigation, Tomoka often visits here to collect some scrap and objects that were old and run down and she makes them new.

The Magic Town House where the Turtles went to and where all mystery secrets have been hidden. There are some areas like a stage, a mirror room, a swirling room, and the basement down below.

The Empire State Building is known as the Metro Tower based on the movie. The group have arrived here to find Raph because the Krang use the key to open the portal to set the invasion. After the invasion, the tower was fixed and and rebuilt.

Let's go check the Turtles' lair

The lair is an old control room with three floors

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The lair is an old control room with three floors. It has a gaming station, a lab and a skateboard ramp in the middle of the lair at the bottom. Ever since this was once laid in ruins, a father rat and his turtle sons found this and began to build this lair into their home. That was until 14 years later, the lair was destroyed by Shredder. They were forced to live in another lair, a subway station that fits perfectly for them to live in. I bet that in my fanfiction, I should make the girls sleep with their boyfriend in each bedroom to share in.

 Their new lair in the movie is exactly like the old one, But there are awesomely different details about the new home. It has a single starway, a single exit, and orrery next to the lab. The turtle's bedrooms are made out of a subway train car with their favorite stuff in it. It was shared by their lovers who spend so much time together. In the meantime, I should think that some of the lair stuff would be in the story as long as they live in the sewers.

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