The Peverells part 2

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Leaving her cup in the tray, she wondered if it would be a bad time to ask him what had happened to him. Thinking carefully her words, she began to speak "Hadrian, do you remember how- "

"Tita! Is he awake?"

Harry jumped at the loud male voice and Mirta felt like hexing the owner of the voice. She loved him, she really did, but sometimes he did things that made her want to kick him. Like for example, startling the boy with his loud voice when he was just starting to relax after his ordeal.

A second later, a dirt covered man entered the room with a bright smile on his face and what looked like a vial in his hand. Harry blinked at the sight; the older mage was a Lord... right? So why was he covered in dirt? He had always had a mental image of Lords of important wizarding families being always dressed impeccably and without a speck of dirt in their person, also cold and arrogant, but that may be because of his interactions with Lucious Malfoy. This man... kind of reminded him of a golden retriever at the moment, quite different from what he remembered from the night he met them.

"Caru, honey, lower your voice. You're going to scare little Hadrian and – why are you so dirty?" She asked, turning to face her very dirty husband. Said man froze on his tracks and mouthed a sorry at his wife, switching his gaze towards the little wizard, he gave Harry an apologetic look.

"I had finished to make the bone straightening potion and, on my way here I was... erm, tackled by the new Aethonan calf" The jade eyed man said, looking very sheepish about the whole situation. His wife could only shake her head in amusement, "Animals always go after you" Mirta said, endearment clear on her face.

Harry frowned "Aethonan? What's that?" his lack of knowledge was becoming more and more apparent by the minute. He needed books ASAP.

Icarus arched an eyebrow at the child "Instead of asking about who I am you want to know about an Aethonan?"

"That too"

The lord of the manor chuckled at the response; it was good that the kid didn't seem to fear him, even after making that kind of entrance... But for how long would that last? he wondered, "Well, an Aethoran is a magical creature similar to a Pegasus, they are chestnut colored and are quite friendly to wizard folk in general. The thing that differentiates them from the Pegasus is their coat, it resistant to fire, similar to dragons in that sense" he explained, watching the child's eyes shine in wonder, too bad that it would vanish with the following words "I'm Icarus by the way, Icarus Peverell"

When he saw a brief flash of recognition in those emerald eyes, Icarus waited for wariness or fear to creep into that gaze, he did not expect the kid to keep looking at him with that wonder intact.

"Pleasure to meet you Sir" he said, noticing the same weariness that Mrs. Peverell had shown when she had introduced herself. Did they expect a negative reaction from him at hearing their names? Why? It was just a name and he didn't know much about the history of the Peverells to be wary of them, plus, they had helped him so - in his book - they were good people. Even thought there was the fact that they were well known dark wizards, Harry felt that he could not judge them just because of the magical nature they had, Death had told him as much.

Icarus shook his head, "None of that now kid, call me Icarus" he had always felt weird when other people called him Sir, it made him feel old. Though, he was kind of old. Not that he'd admit that out loud.

Harry frowned at the request made. How could he call a Lord of a prominent house by their given name so casually? Even when he used to live with the Dursleys he had always refrained from using the given names of other people. When dealing with adults, he referred to them with Sir or Ma'am, he dealing with those of his age group he called them by their last names. That changed a little after arriving to Hogwarts, but not completely.

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