The Peverells part 1

Start from the beginning

"I thought that little master would appreciate having the chance to have a proper education and have a – relatively – normal life" he replied as he approached the window and took a look outside "You have a nice view"

He could care less about having a nice view, right now his mind was running wild "And what about Dumbledore? And don't even think I didn't notice you haven't answered the whole mummy situation" he knew he had been wounded badly in the battle of Hogwarts, he may have had a few broken bones, but not the many that he had heard Healer... Bailey? Brown? he honestly could not remember his last name properly, but whatever his name is, he mentioned a lot of bones that he was sure had not been broken before being brought here.

"You have time to deal with the wizard, besides you wouldn't have been able to stand up to him with the little education you had before" explained the pale man, he stayed quite for a while before opening his mouth again, "I may have forgotten a tiny detail pertaining sending someone to the past"

"Which was?" he asked, ignoring the sting the previous comment caused, because he was right at the end of the day. Harry was sure he would not have been able to last a duel against the old man – let lone defeat him – as he was before.

"It is preferred to travel when you are healthy or have not life-threatening wounds because... the time jump would give you a backlash and, if you are wounded, there's a chance that your wounds may double in quantity"

Harry could only blink in astonishment at the entity, incredulity beginning to set in "You...forgot?!" Now he felt like strangling the man in front of him, immortal or not. How could he forget something so important?! Then again maybe he shouldn't be surprised considering the luck that he tended to carry. It was both a blessing and a curse.

"You would have been fine either way, because you would have ended up here regardless of whether you were completely healthy or not" Death said in a dismissive manner, even though deep down he did feel bad for forgetting and causing his master to deal with more pain than he needed to. He also knew that his dear friend was going to give him an earful when he met him again, as would the Peverell couple when he stopped to talk with them... All of a sudden, a walk through the gardens sounded like a very good idea.

"And where exactly is here?" he asked thorough gritted teeth, before the cloaked being could respond, a knock had them both turning to face the door.

"You'll find out soon enough" Death said, backing away from his place by the window, deciding to go for his walk now "Have a nice day little master" right after those words were said Death vanished from the room, leaving no trace that someone else had ever been in the room.

Harry could only stare in bewilderment at the place where the entity had been a second ago, before focusing his attention to the old woman that entered the room. Her face didn't look a day out of forty but her silvery hair gave the impression that she might be older. The smile she gave him when her hazel eyes found him was kind and full of warmth.

"I see you are finally awake" her voice gentle and soft, as if she didn't want to spook him.

"Were am I?" was the first thing he blurted out, he really needed answers and Death had not been much of a help in that area, he had not even told him what year he was in now.

The witch took a seat in the chair that was beside his bed, calling in the same soft tone as before "Linly" A moment later a house elf dressed in a dark green dress with the family cress embroidered into it appeared. Harry was impressed to see such a well-dressed elf; Dooby had always worn tattered rags while with the Malfoys and so had Winky so this was a nice surprise. He had never stopped to wonder of there were other families that treated their elves well, then again he had not had the time to wonder much about anything, what with his life being threatened all the time.

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