Ayaka sits back down and holds her head on her palms "I know...I just..." she lets out a sigh "I thought we could find a way..."

He kneels down and caresses her shoulder in slow circles "I thought so, too. But we both know there isn't one anymore."

"I hate this."

He holds her tightly and then caresses her back to soothe her. They remain in that posture for some time, until her tears dry up. He breaks the hug and both of them gaze at each other.

"Come on," Minori said, "Let's go check on our daughter."


Location: U.A. High School

"Alright, girls," Yaoyorozu said. "I think we should let her rest."

They all nodded, said their goodbyes and left the room. The moment you thought they were gone, it seemed you had another unexpected visitor.


Your eyes widened so much, you thought they could fall out. Of all times, he decided to show up right after you kind of said that you like him?

If you are being honest, you don't. You only said it so Mina would stop asking. You don't have those kinds of feelings for Bakugo; you see him only as a friend.

"You gonna let me pass or are y'all going to keep staring at me?" he said in his raspy voice.

The girls left the room and Bakugo closed the door behind him. You noticed he was holding another flower in his hand, the same as the one in the vase, as he put it beside it and then he sat down across from you.

Oh, yes that's normal. Just Bakugo casually giving you gifts, like it's an everyday routine.

"What?" he asks.

Besides the fact that the situation was a little weird, you didn't notice you were at him the whole time. No, wait. Why were you staring? You don't usually do that; of course, he would ask that.

"Huh? Oh, uh, it's nothing..." you laughed awkwardly "So, how are you? Does your injury hurt?"

"I'm fine, you dumbass." he leaned down, positioning his hands on his knees and letting them loose, and avoided eye-contact "What about you?"

The way he talked to you was calmer than usual. It's like a switch was flipped the moment he entered the room, because he was certainly not calm literal seconds ago.

Not that it bothered you. It felt nice to hear his voice softened like that.

"It hurts a little, to be honest," you said, touching your wound, "but I'm okay. And, um...Thank you for the flowers."

His eyes kept traveling around the room as if searching for something, when in reality he was just avoiding your eyes "Yeah, sure, whatever."

You giggled silently because it was kind of adorable that he reacted.

"How did your parents react? Are they okay?"

You blinked a few times, because Bakugo asking about your parents was not something bad but rather unusual.

"Um..." you hesitated to tell him that they don't even know about your condition "Well...They don't know I got injured..." you mumbled.


You let out a breathy laugh "Yeah, they, um...Recovery Girl was not able to contact them, so..."

Katsuki looked so upset. More than he needed to be.

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