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"Just... Just get rid of her please," you asked Steve through the mic of your phone. "Tell her you don't know where I live-"

"-She highly doubts that... She still insists on seeing you, she won't even leave my doorway, Y/n," he complained in his tired voice. You knew your friend had enough of your ex-girlfriend, the exhaustion from work probably made him lose his patience.

You sighed exasperatedly, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, you heard a faint knock on your door, which was left ajar when you came in from the end of your shift, forgetting to close and lock it when Steve called.

Wanda peered through the small opening with a small smile and a shy wave. Butterflies grew crazy in your stomach as your frown turned into a wide smile. It had been a couple of days since that time she took care of you when you were sick. And the paranoia you had of her being a cannibalistic murderer just  dissipated like magic.

You only opened the door wider for Wanda to enter as you whispered back to your phone. "Just ignore her, Steve... Or maybe call the security on her, just don't give up, please, I thank you for everything," you said before hanging up.

The brunette was already making herself comfortable on the couch and turning on the television when you glanced at her. "Sorry about that."

"Problems at work?" Wanda asked, clicking on the remote to head to the last How I Met Your Mother episode you both left.

You laughed nervously as you went to grab the food you brought from work for your series marathon session with Wanda, which was scheduled every night nowadays. Even though you were no longer afraid you'd be the next victim of your hunch about her true personality, it would be a safe move to avoid the dishes she would cook. She never offered once again, thinking you were probably not a fan of the food she makes.

"Nope, just a crazy ex...," you managed to utter back.

A wave of unidentifiable emotion crossed the brunette's face as you took a seat beside her, placing the food on the center table before you. "I bought burritos from a Mexican joint near the office, I hope you're into Mexican food."

Wanda smiled at you as she took a quick glance at the burrito then back at you. "It's okay... Tell me more about this crazy ex of yours?"

You didn't expect her sudden interest. "Oh, she's just... Well, we kind of broke up months ago because I caught her having sex with someone else in our shared apartment-"

"-Fuck, that's horrible," she chimed in, her face scrunched up in disgust.

Pursing your lips into a thin smile, you found yourself nodding back. "It was... And she has been persistent on getting back with me since then. Stalking in my office. Even harassing my friend at his apartment, thinking I was living there with him... She doesn't get it that I don't want anything to do with her anymore."

While it was good to release the pent up rants you had saved inside you, you didn't fail to notice how the brunette's hand was on your thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sorry that happened to you... You don't deserve to get cheated on, Y/n... I wonder how anyone can do that, especially to someone like you."

Your heart fluttered. Sometimes, you wished you could turn back time and kissed her back when she kissed you that night, wishing you weren't so obsessed on thinking she was a killer when she was actually far from it. You bowed down your head, avoiding her eyes, suddenly feeling guilty that you let paranoia overstep what could have been a wonderful friendship between you and Wanda. Even more. "I... I don't know... I feel like I'm never good enough anyway."

Her hand immediately flew to your face, lifting it up by her fingers as she made you look at her. "You deserve everything good in life, Y/n, as much as everybody else... I promise you it will get better from here."

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