Thunder in the clear sky

Start from the beginning

Everything I wanted to hide, Yagami revealed in a few steps.

Perfect tactics against him.

- Well, then I'll start hitting you.

- That's what I expected from you. I confess, you're pretty smart. Hehe.

"It looks like he realized that I understood his strategy. But it will be a little uncomfortable for me to fight now because of the pain in the body from his blows, but he will not have enough endurance to continue to the end. But I also don't understand whether he's restrained or not. He must understand that I am stronger than him physically, and also my endurance is much better than him. So he won't fight thoughtlessly. He is looking for better ways to attack me with little effort and bring maximum problems," Ayanokoji thought.

Sharply pointing his foot to Yagami's knee, Ayanokoji fought him with all his might. Yagami, knowing this, he managed to evade, but immediately Ayanokoji's fist flew into his face.

Ayanoji's right hand hit Yagami's nose, who began to bleed from his nose, and his vision deteriorated slightly from the tear that appeared before his eyes due to the mechanism of his body. But even so, he felt the blow of Ayanokoji, who was flying directly into the Yagami solar plexus. After putting the block, he grabbed Ayanoji's hand with his right hand and hit him on the kidney with his left hand.

Ayanokoji reacted, but did not have time to retreat because Yagami grabbed him. After receiving a blow from Yagami, Ayanokoji hit Yagami in the stomach and retreated.

Yagami wiped tears from his eyes. And blood from the nose began to fall on the floor of the cafe. Everyone was shocked by what they saw. These two showed open cruelty to each other, as if they did not care whether the enemy died or not.

- It's still fun, isn't it? - Yagami said, breathing a little. It looks like his endurance has decreased.

Ayanokoji's endurance has also decreased slightly. But it's not critical.

- You know, Ayanokoji, in the White Room I wanted to fight you like now. It looks like my obstacles, such as your existence on this day, will collapse.

Yagami didn't think that defeating Ayanoji was his goal. He considered it an obstacle to the formation of a masterpiece. His logic was similar to the samurai: "The samurai has no goal, only the way"

- Everyone is standing here in a stupor, not understanding our relationship with each other, right, Ayanokoji-sempei? - Yagami said innocently, returning his facade, like at school. Everyone felt strange.

He looked at the audience and, watching everyone, said:

- You see, we went to the same school - the White Room. For comparison, your school is elite compared to others, but your school and you will be insignificant if you compare them to the White Room. The level of our school is much higher than yours, you know? It's the same as comparing a scientist to a child," Yagami said without a hint of anger or anger. He stood with a smug smile.

- What about your fight with Utomiya-kun, Takuya-kun? - Amasawa asked, running here.

Many people did not understand what she wanted to say, but probably Utomiya fought the Yags and defeated him.

- You? However, it doesn't matter. I think Utoma is ridiculous, who will protect their classmates, which is very stupid. A real person must sacrifice everything to climb to the top of the mountain. And Utoma climbs to this top with a pile of luggage. I'll drop any luggage. Just to climb the mountain," Yagami replied.

- Then will you leave me too? - asked Amasawa.

People noticed that Amasawa had blood nearby. Paying attention to this, they overlooked the state of Yagami and Ayanokoji.

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