Reaping Day

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A/N In my story the whole Star crossed lovers never happened, Katniss was the only victor so no Rebellion happened. Thanks I hope you enjoy my story!

" And this years female tribute from district 9 is.... Melanie Leeks!! "
I feel the world swim around me. Every step I take is like walking on paper thin ice. I try to scream but I can't. I try to call out to my mother but I can't. I try to call to my siblings but I can't. That's because they are all dead. "

I wake up. I don't scream or gasp or anything dramatic like that, I just lie still. I can hear my heart pounding, I can feel the warm salty tears running down my face. I glance to the clock on the table. 8:00am. The reaping is at 10:30 because most Capitol citizens don't get up until around ten anyways. I lie in bed for a while until I finally get up. My twelfth birthday was 3 weeks ago, June 5. Today is June 19th, The games will take place on the 30th. They give us 5 days to train and 5 days for interviews and whatnot. I walk over to my drawer and pick out my reaping dress. My foster parents gave it to me for my 12th birthday... Big supporters of the Hunger Games. I put the dress over my thin wiry frame and look at myself in the mirror,  I'm a common District 5 citizen. I have the common red hair and white skin but no freckles. It's pretty ironic. I'm wearing a brand new dress, new dresses are pretty hard to come by but if you have " Parents" like mine they will steal for the best outfits for the reaping. To be honest though, this is a nice dress for a not so nice occasion. It has a silhouette of wheat fields on the bottom corner and it's a pale yellow color. Even though my name is only in once and the odds are in my favor, I'm still  scared for the reaping. I walk into the kitchen and my parents are waiting with a small cardboard box. " What's that? " I ask pointing to the box. My mother looks at my father and like a cue, they nod at each other. " Melanie , your mother and I have something to tell you, your parents are not dead. Remember at your sisters reaping where your parents got so upset they beat up a peacekeeper and ran away and lit the market on fire? You were only about 5 or 6 years old. The peacekeepers beat them very bad but President Coriolanus Snow, he took them as avoxes. They have been sending us... Well sending you letters in secret and since you are twelve and now eligible for the reaping they sent you this." My father says sliding the box towards me. I pick it up and open it. Tears streaming down my face I read  the letter.

Dear Melanie,

     Happy twelfth birthday dear! We are sorry we cannot be there to celebrate. We are sorry for acting that way as well resulting in us being avoxes. But our child was being entered into the reaping and we just lost another child. But I need to tell you something. The President is after our family. Ever since your brother, Jace was reaped he said things in his interviews and they were terrible things about the Capitol and Snow. That's why your other brother, Ash and your sister , Charlotte got reaped at 12 but her best friend, Macy  volunteered and then when Charlotte was 13 she was reaped agin. People don't get reaped 2 times in a row. We are so sorry Melanie and if the President makes you get picked you Fight like a career. Make your District proud. Make us proud honey. We will try and find you at the Capitol. We have been assigned to wait on the Tributes. Do us proud. We love you.
Mommy and Daddy

Tears are streaming down my face. I look in the box and I find a necklace made out of braided wire with a charm that has a 5 on it. Attached is a note

This was your Brothers and sisters token. We love you.

" We're so sorry honey. There's no guarantee you will be picked. It's been 6 years since they were.... Since they went to the Capitol. They could have forgotten." My mother says, tears forming in her eyes.
" They don't forget mom, they never forget." I know I'll be reaped. I know it.

It's 10:00am.
It's time to walk into the open arms of death.
My mom and dad walk with me to the square. I hold both of there hands. We reach the check in. Now I must leave them while they wait for my name to be called. " Give me your arm." The lady says in a robotic emotionless voice. I feel the prick on my finger. I wonder how I will die. A knife in the gut, an arrow in the brain or maybe my head will get cut off. I walk into the twelve year old section. Everyone is wearing yellow or orange dresses. I don't notice our escort walk up to the microphone until she taps it twice. I jump.
" Welcome my district 5 friends! My name is Nightphan Athens and I am your escort! Now before we begin the Mayor will recite the treaty of treason!"
I don't listen. I look at the girls and boys around me, some crying. Don't worry you won't be picked this year. I will. " Lovely!! " Says Nightphan. " Now it is time to select our tributes!!!! Ladies first!" She drops her hand into the glass bowl containing every 12-18 year olds fate...... " Annnnnd our female tribute from district nine is.... Melanie Leeks! " I hear my foster parents cry out. Everyone turns to me backing away. Acting like they could catch a disease. I just caught the disease of Death. Then I hear someone cry out. " I Volunteer! " I hear Nightphan say into her earpiece. " Mr. President someone volunteered for the girl.......... Okay.... Got it."  " Sorry folks but as a little treat for this years games there will be no volunteers for District 5! " Nightphan says.  It feels as if I got stabbed in all my limbs and was thrown in an oven and crushed. The peace keepers walk over to me and start to drag me onto stage. This is my last chance to stop this. I resort to the first thing I can think of. Scream.
The peacekeeper whispers " I will not hesitate to whip you right now... Shut up ." He says sternly.
So I silently walk up to the stage as the peacekeepers point their guns to my back. They guide me to the stage . This cannot be happening. They drag me over to Nightphan. " How old are you Sweetie? " she asks. "I'm 12 years old."I looks out into the crowd and I see the girl who volunteered. She is in the 17 year old section, crying her eyes out. I watch a a peacekeeper pushes her to her knees. It's so silent I hear him as he cocks the gun.
I'm sorry
I mouth to the girl. She gives a slight nod as if to say, it's okay.
Then he pulls the trigger.
Several screams are heard throughout the square. I'm now holding back tears. Mel, you can't cry and humiliate yourself  in front of your district, or show how weak you are to the other tributes.
I mentally tell myself.
" And now for our male tribute!......... Andrew Stamos! "A huge boy emerges from the 18 year old section. He walks up to the podium. " How old are you?" Asks Nightphan. " I8." He answers. "Okay you two, Shake hands!" Says Nightphan. We shake hands and I can tell he is so scared. " Okay let's go." Says the head peacekeeper. " Wait what about goodbyes?! " I ask. " No time." "What do you mean no time?!" Say Andrew and I in unison. No response. What an asshat. Nightphan leads us to our train. " Okay you two. Go to your rooms we will call when we are serving dinner. I slowly walk into my room. It's quite impressive considering its on a train. After a few moments of utter silence, hear a knock on my door and Andrew walks in. " Hey I just wanted to say I'm sorry you got reaped. You deserve better. Sorry." Wow that was depressing.  " It's okay. I'm sorry it happened to you to. Ya know, cause it was your last year and whatnot. " I say. " oh... Heh it's okay. Thanks." He says as he walks out of the room. 
5 minutes later Nightphan calls for dinner.

A/N -
Hey so I took a long break from this story but I edited and revised this chapter and changed the names and the story a little bit so be sure to comment and vote! Ily!

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