three | instagram dms + irl

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a.armstrong wants to send you a dm    accept | decline

hey! i stumbled across your content a couple weeks ago, and i noticed that we make similar content; basically i was wondering you wanted to collab or something? i'm free whenever you are so just let me know

hi! i'll talk to the boys to see what they think but i don't think there will be any objections.
we enjoy your content as well!!

oh no way, that's dope. how long have y'all been 'fans' ig is the term im gonna use?

not long.. we were filming the other night, i think it was after your most recent upload, and your name kept being brought up. along with miles' , that's when we all started following you

oh dope, i'll tell miles. he's been a fan of you guys for a while! thats awesome though. thanks for the support!!

yeah np.
you live in massachusetts?

yeah actually, boston. me n miles moved in together like a year-ish ago.

how're you liking it, since you're still new-ish here?

it's very nice here, i like the seasons. in texas it's either hot or kinda hot. i underestimated the cold though.

does it not get cold in greece?? you must've frozen!

it does, just not as cold as here.. i did! miles won't stop teasing me about it.

i mean, i would too! it was nice talking to you, but i have to go.
i'll talk to the boys tonight and let you know tomorrow or the next day.

okay! have a good night chris.

christophersturniolo liked your message


"nick, matt" chris shouts up the stairs, announcing his return with their food

"yes finally, i almost starved to death!" nick says, grabbing his tacos and digging in

"dude, you ate like 2 hours ago" matt says, more humanely eating his burrito

"so" comes the muffled voice of nick, since he responded mid chew

"gross, finish chewing first" matt reprimands

"moving on, ashton dmed me earlier" chris states, gaining the attention of his brothers

"oh yeah, what about?" matt asks, curious

"wants to collab if we're up for it" chris says, "i'm down, i just wanted to run it by you guys as well."

"i mean yeah, he seems cool" matt says, having a brief knowledge of who the boy was

"wait ashton? like ashton armstrong, ashton?" nick asks, after not speaking for a minute

"yes nick, who else?" chris says, with a laugh

"i don't fucking know christopher, you could've been talking about ashton irwin for all i know" nick says, sarcastically

"why would i be talking about ashton irwin, nicholas?" chris asks bewildered

"i don't know" nick says, turning back to his tacos

"so do you want to?" matt says

"of course i do, have you seen the man?" nick says, flushing a light shade of pink

"nick has a crush on ashton! nick has a crush on ashton!" chris sings out

"i do not, i just think he's pretty to look at" nick mutters, burying his face in his hands

"nick, you're bright fucking red." matt says

"shut the fuck up" nick says, finishing his food and tossing the trash

"oh my god, that's so cute nick" chris says, "i'll tell him were down tomorrow"

instagram | christophersturniolo sent you a message!

hey, we're down. we're filming a new video thursday, at like 8:30pm if you're free?
we'll end up posting wednesday of the following week.

delivered 9:42 pm

seen 8:53 am


dope! that works for me, miles is going out that night anyway. see you then :)
delivered 8:54 am

seen 10:14 am

christophersturniolo liked your message

"yo miles, i'm not gonna be home thursday night" ashton calls from his floor, to their roommate who is laying on his bed

"same man, i'm visiting host mom." miles says, shifting slightly, "where are you going?"

"tell her i say hi, and that i miss her." ashton says, "i'm filming with the sturniolo's something for their channel i think."

"oh dope, you know she'll want you to visit." miles says

"i know, i know; and i will" ashton says, rolling over on the floor so he's on his stomach, "why do i always end up on the floor when were in my room?" the boy questions

"i don't know, why're you always on the floor when i walk in?" miles retorts

"it's comfortable" ashton mumbles

"what?" miles questions, with an amused voice

"it's comfortable" the boy on the floor mumbles slightly louder

"thought so"

"your a bitch alex" ashton shouts after miles, who just walked out of their room

"i'm telling mama willow" miles shouts back, making ashton stand up and run after him

"don't you dare" ashton slides to a stop in front of miles, since he was in socks

"nah, i was teasing." miles says, laughing

"you bitch, you made me run!" ashton shouts exasperatedly

"i know"

end of chapter notes:
plz, miles and ashtons friendship is, so ughhhhh

[miles is based of my brother/bestie <3 (does he know that, no. so nobody tell him)]

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