Chapter 1 (The Past)

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"Good evening viewers, come back with me, Shen Li. I am here to bring news about the news of the emergence of . As you have seen, beside me there are already 2 famous astronomers with their close friendship to achieve their common goals. Yep, before we go to their story, let's get to know them first! Hi!" Said the reporter named Shen Li. 

"Hi!" Answer us both. 

"Before that I want to say thank you very much for..." I said. 

"Ms. Shen" Replied Ms. Shen. 

"Ms. Shen has invited us here and given an opportunity for us to be on TV, because we rarely appear on the internet because we are both busy... Thank you very much..." I continued.

"Oh no, I'm the one who should be saying thank you to you guys for taking the time to participate in my event in the midst of your busy schedule. Thank you so much ya!!!" Answer Ms. Shen. 

"It's okay..." I replied. 

"As you all know, beside me, there is a friend of mine who has always been loyal to accompany me from 0 until I can occupy my current career position. Thanks Ai..." I replied while hugging her.

 "Yeah, you're welcome..." Aileen replied as she hugged me back. 

"Aaa... you guys are so sweet," said Ms. Shen.

"So, when I first met her, Ai, when he was in the middle school park. At that time he was feeding the cat, at first I was surprised. An Xia Aileen who always kept a straight face, her aura was cold, as cold as snow. Turns out he's also an animal lover. And when the animal is the same, the aura is very different. Meanwhile, I also really like animals but we have different auras. And I also immediately approached him, because I also like animals. He who saw me was shocked. Then from that day on we became closer which I didn't expect that we became friends until now..." Tell me in front of the camera.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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