Just Dance and Something Else

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Who knew 100 year old super-soldiers would be so clueless and adorable?

Also, movie theater popcorn is good. I don't care how unsanitary it is, it's good. Also, Disney movies are more Disney movies. The good ones were made in the early two-thousands and now it's just trying to stay in business but yeah. 

Basically we watched adorable old man PDA. One of the best days of my life. 

After whatever the Disney movie, Peter came over to my house. For literally the first time without being in his Spiderman uniform and it being midnight. Progress!!

Obviously, the first thing we did was make a fort. We're not heathens. 

"What do you want to watch?" I ask, plopping down on the floor.

"Can you stand under the fort?" he asks.

"Yeah, why?" I look confused.

"Just Dance?" he asks. He studies my face while waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, sure, let me find a controller," I get up, and start searching. 

"Cool, I'll get drinks or something," he says, making his way to the kitchen. 

Before he comes back, I get the game all set up. He eventually comes back with some water bottles and some cans of soda. 

We begin and I thank the lord for not wearing jeans today. Who knew Footloose could be such an asshole to do? 

Peter accidentally smacked me in the face while we were doing it so that was fun. Our points were close but I beat him which was awesome and the video recorder player thing captured the whack so that was even better.

We do about 20 more songs before finding a really hard one. We do that one like 9 times cuz we're stubborn assholes and wanted at least three stars so yeah.

Eventually, I just sit down. I'm not the most in shape person at all. 

We switch it to the Percy Jackson movies. They're good if you completely disregard the fact that their based off a book. Feel free to argue with me on that. This is a hill I'm willing to defend. 

"Phone number roulette?" I ask.

"What's that?" he looks concerned.

"You pick an area code and then you just call random numbers. If they pick up you have to have a full on conversation with them, if they don't, then you're lucky. Oh and, if they pick up, you can't be the one to hang up. They have to," I quickly explain.

"Yeah, sure. What area code do you want?" he asks.

"LA. 818," I tell him.

 (This totally isn't a game I play with my friends. And I'm totally not going to add my own experiences to this. That would be outrageous)

I type in the random numbers and start the call. A person picks up.

"Hey, this is Disney Studios, how can we help you?" they answer. I look up to Peter, panicked and he looks about the same.

"Hey, uhm, you're not my mother," I respond.

"Uh, no. Can I help you?" they ask.

"Sorry for calling you. I was trying to reach my mom. But while I have you here, how hard would it be to get a job there?" I explain.

"That depends what you want to do," they say, done-with-life.

"Okay, thank you!" I try to sound happy.

"Listen, I have to go. Have a magical day!" they hang up.

"There's an example. Your turn," I look up to Peter. 

to be continued. or not

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