Chapter 14: Heading Out (2)

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Cale's expression was odd as he stood in front of the carriage that would take him to the capital.

'How odd.'

He had an odd expression as he asked the person standing next to him.

"Why is it that their seat is better than my seat?"

Cale was looking at the expensive and soft cushion next to him, as well as the two kittens sitting on the cushion.

"Young master, shouldn't our precious cats travel comfortably on this trip? They are so small and precious."

Hans answered as he put the special treats he prepared for the cats in the carriage as well. Cale and Ron both had blank expressions on their faces.

'It's because he has not seen them create fog and fill it with poison.'

Cale called On and Hong to an empty corner of the garden five days ago.

'What can you do?'

In response to his question, On created fog while in her cat form, while Hong used a bit of his blood to spread poison into the air. Of course, On was able to control the poisonous fog to prevent Cale from dying. Furthermore, the poison Hong could spread was only at the level of paralysis right now.

'You two are quite useful.'

On and Hong proudly answered back after hearing Cale's praise.

'We were able to run away because of our poisonous fog!'

'We are quite useful!'

Starting from that day, On and Hong were able to eat delicious food all day long. Naturally, Hans was happy to provide for them.

"Young master, I will be sitting with the driver up top."


Ron jumped up next to the driver, and Cale was about to board as well, when Choi Han approached him.


Choi Han said that he did not want to call Cale young master, instead choosing to call him Cale-nim.


"Is it okay for me to not be in the same carriage protecting you?"

Cale's expression turned like he had eaten some bitter persimmon.

"...Is there..."

'Is there a reason to do that?'

That was what Cale's expression was saying, and Choi Han didn't say anything else, instead just nodding his head. Cale started to squint his eyes while watching Choi Han walk away.

'It's really weird.'

Choi Han's eyes were still not very clear. His mind still seemed to be full of anger and thoughts of revenge. When Cale mentioned yesterday that they had sent people to Harris Village, he could see the anger in Choi Han's eyes.

But he felt a little different than before. He wasn't in complete despair like in the novel, thinking something along the lines of, 'The world does not want me to be happy! How could they kill all of my loved ones?!' That was why it was weird.

'He recovered pretty quickly.'

He seemed to be at the stage in the novel when he was traveling with Beacrox, Rosalyn, and Lock, with a sword in his heart but a calm demeanor on the outside. He let it be since it wasn't bad, but Cale had an oddly bitter feeling in his mouth. It was at that moment.

"I don't think this is your spot."

The leader of the envoy, the Vice Captain of the territory's Knight Brigade, approached Choi Han and started to speak. The Vice Captain looked at Choi Han from head to toe before smirking, like he was looking down at Choi Han.

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