"Fuck off, I was asking Olivia." Alex told him with a glare before turning back to Olivia with a raised eyebrow waiting for her answer.

Olivia was now interested, "I'd love to hear the new song, only if you want to though." She said tilting her head so her check rested against her hands.

Alex really wanted to give in. Her big green eyes looking into his making him want to say yes. However, the song was very clearly about her. Jamie knew that and Alex had sent him another glare to let him know that he didn't appreciate his suggestion. There was no way that he could play that song. "It's very basic right now, haven't started polishing it or anything." He told her.

Olivia pouted but carried on anyway, she'd hear his song at some point when it was done and he wanted to show her, "Fine, erm. How about, I don't know, a Queen song?"

"Alright." He nodded beginning to strum

Alex played Killer Queen, 'Boys Don't Cry' by The Cure. Everyone had went back to talking, quietly now, whilst Alex played but Olivia peacefully watched him play.

She had been trying to be stand off-ish towards Alex upon the revelation that he might like her, however, she was now tipsy leaning towards drunk and had resorted back to her happy, flirty self. The alcohol almost made her forget about the whole situation, especially as she watched Alex sing.

"I could listen to you sing forever." She murmured quietly, only Alex heard her and she doesn't think she even intended to say it out loud until she did - she was definitely drunk.

"I think I'd lose my voice." He joked and Olivia laughed though it turned into a yawn as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand. "Tired?" He asked her.

"I mean it is 1am." She defended glancing at the clock on her wall.

"Want everyone to leave?" He whispered softly.

Olivia shrugged, "I can't just kick everyone out because I'm tired."

Alex rolled his eyes and then stood up, "Right everyone! think it's time we all head back, yeah?" Olivia smiled up at him and he looked down at her giving her a wink.

Matt groaned, "But I'm comfy."

"Get off your backside." Alex told him.

Katie came over to Olivia (who was now stood up as everyone gathered their things) and hugged her, "Can you believe how bossy he is, kicking everybody out." Olivia laughed and shrugged. "Well, I think we're in London for half a day tomorrow before leaving if you wanna get coffee with us?"

"Yeah sounds good." Olivia said giving her one last hug before she left along with Jamie who had been waited for her with her coat in his hand, draping it over her shoulders.

It was only Alex left now, everyone else had left.

"Thank you." Olivia said to him with a smile.

"They usually over stay their welcome." Alex told her, "Someone has to be the one to get them to leave."

Olivia nodded and then asked, "Want one more drink?" He nodded and as she led him to her kitchen she instantly regretted it shaking her head at herself. She wasn't great at the whole 'keeping her distance' thing, especially not when drunk. She handed Alex a glass and grabbed herself one pouring them both the same amount of drink.

"What did you think do the show?" He asked her.

She pretended to contemplate her answer before she hummed and shrugged, "Hmm, it was okay." She laughed at herself quickly adding, "It was great, really. I'm pretty sure even Lauren enjoyed it which doesn't happen often."

Alex smiled taking a sip from his drink, "I'm glad." He was opposite her, leaning against her counter whilst Olivia stood in-front of him - she was standing far too close but she wasn't thinking logically, she definitely shouldn't be having another drink.

"I noticed you played 'Dancing Shoes'." She told him with a smile. Alex shrugged as if it was nothing.

It was then went silent, abruptly. Alex as staring at her, he had placed the drink on the counter behind him his hands resting on the edge of the counter. She was closer then she remembered especially with Alex's gaze on her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Olivia breathed out.

She could see him swallow before he whispered, "I just missed you."

"I missed you too.", she blurted out. Something about it seemed to sober her up slightly. The closeness of them and the tension making the room seem hotter than it was - or maybe that was also the alcohol's fault. She closed her eyes and took a step back, breaking whatever trance they were both in.

She began talking again hoping to ignore whatever had just happened, "Though the tour ends soon so I guess you'll be around more then. Katie keeps saying we'll have to go out when the tour is done."

"That sounds like her." He agreed, though he didn't laugh like he usually would, he looked deflated. There was an uncomfortable silence, Olivia looked down at her glass tracing the rim with her finger whilst Alex coughed, "Right, I'll let you sleep the . We have to get up early tomorrow anyway."

Olivia swallowed at the tone, he sounded sad, and had to quickly react not expecting it, "Yeah, yeah sure, I'll walk you to the door."

He shook his head, "Don't worry about it."

He began to walk away without even saying goodbye so Olivia said to him, "Night, Alex." He just nodded in reply, Olivia watched in disappointment as he left.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now