Let Her Go

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Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Empty. Deserted. Desolate. Dead.
That's what this miserable world was without her. Without her smile. Without her laughter. Without her love. I no longer wanted to live in such a world. Everywhere I looked I saw her. The dew that sprinkled the blossoming buds of spring. The glint of the water in the afternoon summer sunshine. The red, orange, and yellow leaves that swirled in the autumn breeze like a tornado. The winter snow crystals that drifted down from heaven and settled on the frozen landscape. Madness is like gravity, all it needs is a little push. The images of her, the reminders of her were so intricately designed; the way they forced my mind to believe it was all a dream. Every night I cry, the tears on my face mimicking the water droplets littered across her face on that one, fateful day. The day the world came crashing down on me.
Molten-Red blood spurted from the wounds of men and elves alike, their wails echoing across the plain. We were carving and cleaving our way to the center of our enemy's army under a rayless sky. Men were groaning and yowling as the battlefield became slick with innards. Our weapons clanging and armor jingling under the spite-filled sky. Our bones cracking and crunching as a sea of monsters smashed into our forces, pummeling us. I hardly noticed. I was only looking for her. My panicking eyes scanned the landscape as I slaughtered more of the filth that was murdering my kin. A fountain of spurting blood splashed on my face, the salty taste lingering on my tongue. That is when I heard it. Wings beating at the air, forming a hurricane all around us. Its iron scales cutting through the atmosphere above our heads. The terrible spawn of Morgoth landed on the soil, spear-like claws tearing the Earth apart. The fire-drake from the North let out a bone breaking roar, the ear-splitting sound echoing for miles. The beast's belly turned to the color of its scales; a fiery orange. Like a volcano, the fire erupted from its jaws like boiling magma. It traveled like a cloud of death over countless men and elves, claiming the mortal and immortal lives. My eyelids shut for a moment. I had to find her. My steel eyes opened, filled to the brim with a renewed strength and will to save my people and my queen. I ran across the battlefield towards the fiery demon. Its eyes landed on me, golden eyes filled with rage and hate. Everything passed in slow motion. One minute, I'm about to be swallowed by a cloud of fire, the next I'm lying on the ground, watching my melamin be engulfed by the fire storm. A soldier lifted me by the arms, screaming in my ears,"Run! Your going to die if you stay here!" I replied emptily,"I just did."
I cannot go to the ocean, I cannot walk the halls at night, I cannot wake up in the morning without her on my mind. Well, now she is gone and I'm haunted. I lay here in my cage of sorrow, waiting for death to take me, waiting to return to my melamin. People tell me to move on, people tell me to try and forget. Much, much easier said than done. I cannot and will not ever forget the way she would wander the halls at night just to pass time. I will never forget the summer nights we spent in the forest. I cannot forget the way she would smile at me in the early morning hours. Although, I don't know much, I know that I can never Let Her Go...
Please let me know what you guys think! As always, I LUV comments and advice. That's all for now and I will see you next time, my little gumdrops!
Melamin: beloved

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