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"Could you prepare a bath for me please" the 15 year old emma asked the 25 year old jonny. "Of course" he said and immediately left the room. Emma turned back to her homework about antibiotics. She was laying in her bed, and the lights were almost completely turned off. That made her very tired, so she quickly gave up on the homework.

After about 20 minutes Jonny knocked on the door. Emma didn't open, so he knocked again. "Miss emma? Your bath is ready" He whispered, leaning close to the door. Once again, she didn't open, neither did she say anything. Jonny thought for a second, than decided to carefully slid the door open. Emma was laying on her back on the bed, pressing a pillow on her head with one hand, and the other... well it was under the sheats but considering the moaning coming from under the pillow Jonny could guess what it was doing. He stood there in shock, staring at the young girl pleasing herself. He was ashamed to admit it to himself, but he was extremely turned on. After a second he realized what he was doing and carefully closed the door- he definitely didn't want her to hear him.

After a few hours work, she had finally finished her homework. Very pleased with herself she packed her things together, then went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. She brushed her silky long blond hair and washed her face. When she had put tooth paste on her tooth brush she jumped up and sat next to the sink while brushing her teeth. Suddenly the door opened carefully and Jonny stepped in. What was he doing? He wasn't supposed to be in her bathroom. "Hi" he said, looking straight at her breast. You could see her nipples through her shirt, which made her wish she had chosen another shirt considering the look she received from Jonny. He was now standing right in front of her, with one of her legs on each side. She couldn't help it, Jonny was extremely hot after all. She could feel her thongs getting completely wet. "What are you doing?" She said quietly. "Nothing" he said. Suddenly he put his hand on her thigh. Her cunt was starting to tickle as his hand very slowly slid closer to it. "You're not supposed to be doing this" she said, but couldn't hide the pleasure in her voice. Suddenly he let one finger slip onto her cunt. Very loosely, he began moving the finger in circular motions. It was just enough to make her feel she didn't want anything in this world more than his dick inside her. She bit her lip and looked at him. "Go on, please" she moaned. Jonny smiled. He slid his hand under her thongs so that he could really touch her cunt. "Please" she moaned again, and he let his long index finger slide slowly deep inside her. She threw her head backwards and wanted to scream. "A-a-gain" she moaned. Jonny was pulling his finger back when suddenly emma's mother's voice echoed through the house. "Jonny!!! You're supposed to be making dinner!!!" Extremely dissapointed Emma felt Jonny's finger slid out and then watched him hurry out of the room. This was the end of the intense moment, but definitely the start on something else. Emma was determined on that.

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