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Mia walked through the dim apartment complex, carrying a large bag of snacks she bought from the convenience store. It was what she did every night as a way to decompress during her stressful days. And since Mia lived alone, she could do whatever she wanted.

About three years ago, she made the big decision to leave home. The teenage girl took off by herself without any support from her family. Her family was small and only included herself, her uncle, and her older brother. Her uncle wanted nothing to do with her and even her brother had some resentment towards her. But it didn't bother her, or at least that's what she tried to convince herself to feel for the past three years.

But there were weeks where they were all she could think about. A certain smell or feeling would bring her back to a blurred memory of them, and it stressed her out more than ever. 

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't even notice the figure leaning against her doorframe. The light above him illuminated perfectly on his face. He was chewing on his nail as he stared off into the distance. Mia's stomach sank.


"Hi," he smiled.

He walked towards her with open arms, drowning her in a hug. She stood there frozen. The light bag was starting to feel like a bag of bricks.

"What're you doin' here Mel?"

"What, I can't see my favorite sister?" he asked.

"I'm your only sister," she reminded as they pulled away.

Mel stepped back and his big smile faded smaller into a more nervous one. He scratched the back of his neck, as he avoided her confused glance.

"I need your help...actually me and Gil need your help."

Mia rolled her eyes. The anxiety was still heavy. She ignored his words and unlocked her front door. Mel stood right behind her, waiting to follow her and beg her.

"Mi, seriously?" her brother whined.

"We haven't seen each other in what—three years and that's the first thing you say?"

An angry laugh left her mouth. She couldn't believe the audacity he had to come to her apartment to ask her for help on behalf of their uncle. He leaned against the counter, cursing himself for bringing him up so fast.

"Mia, will you please just listen? Stop being so stubborn," he snapped.

"Stubborn?" Mia snickered. "I'll show you stubborn—now if you don't mind, the door is right there."

He didn't move.

"I'm only here because Gil asked...he's sick and he needs me—us—to meet up with an old friend of his," he started to explain.

Mia was listening vaguely as she paced in the kitchen.

"Vampires. A small town in Montana, nothin' too big," he explained.

"And you need me...why?"

"I've told you already, Gil-"

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