Chapter Forty Two: The Battle of Acadia

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As Ethan gazed at the Supernova from the Bridge of the U.S.S Apollo, he felt great concern as it hovered over the planet Acadia. A once beautiful planet that was covered in green forests and jungles and bright blue oceans and rivers, it now had many craters from the orbital bombardments from the invasion many years ago and several seas had dried up from the heavy amounts of industrial pollution that the Cardassians had done to the planet. Ethan felt great concern for the innocent people of Acadia, a people who had done absolutely nothing wrong to the Cardassians to deserve subjagation and slavery. But the Cardassian Empire had decided to invade and devestate Acadia just because they thought they could. Ethan knew that this battle would determine not only the future of the Cardassian people, but the future of the Acadian people. For two long decades they had been mere property to the Cardassians. Treated no better than objects. But that was about to change.

When the Fleet finally arrived in range of the Supernova, Ethan looked over at Voq and said "Lieutenant Commander Voq. Arm the communication disrupter torpedo and fire!" Voq obliged and said "Yes Rear Admiral." Voq then pressed the firing button on his console and a single torpedo fired from the Apollo. It sped towards the Supernova. Within the Command Centre inside the palace that was under the Supernova's dome, the officer at the sensors console detected the torpedo incoming and looked up towards the man who he believed he had the 'honour' of serving under and said "Emperor! I have detected a torpedo incoming!" Where the captain's chair would have been, there was the Emperor of the Cardassian Empire. The Emperor was however rarely seen and those within the command centre found it a great honour to see him. He had sat in the throne for many years and had not once come off it. Coming out of the throne were many tubes that connected deep into his body and pumped in blood that had been syphoned from Cardassian imperial citizens following their deaths. They pumped in oxygen that kept him alive and various chemicals and proteins that gave him what he needed to be alive. He was comparable to a skeleton however. His muscles having decayed severely over his long life and his lifespan having been unnaturally extended far beyond it's natural limit. Very far. With his computerised voice box that was imbedded deep into his throat, the Emperor said "That torpedo cannot even reach us. Let the insignificant pest burn out and fire on the puny Federation and Romulan ships when they come in range." The loyal officer raised his hand flat towards the Emperor whose age was well past five thousand and said "As you command Emperor."

The torpedo sped through space at full impulse, but the Supernova did not fire upon it. They just waited until it burned out. That proved to be a mistake, because when the torpedo crossed into the orbit between Acadia and it's moon Acona, it exploded and a blue wave of energy spread out across the system! As the energy wave hit the lone Cardassian flag ship, it disabled their sub-space communications, leaving only ship-to-ship communications. Pleased that the communications on the Supernova had been disabled, Ethan pressed on his com badge and said "Rear Admiral Rivers to all hands. Attack!" The Fleet then started firing phasers and torpedoes at the Supernova, hoping to weaken the ship's shields and beam a team aboard to destroy it. As torpedo after torpedo and phaser after phaser hit the ship, the Supernova retaliated by firing phasers at the Fleet. The Pathfinder was the first ship to be hit, losing eight percent of their shields in an instant. As sparks flew from the ceiling above him and his senior officers, Vice Admiral Chakotay said "Draw reserve power to the shields and maintain continuous fire!" Two torpedoes then ejected from the Pathfinder, hitting the dome on top of the Supernova and damaging it's shield. But all the while, more and more torpedoes and phasers were being blasted at the Fleet and the Georgiou had already lost twenty percent of their shields! After being rocked around her chair and seeing sparks falling from the ceiling, Captain Anaya pressed on her com badge and said "This is Captain Anaya on all channels. We're taking serious hits over here! We need to take out the damn weapons as well!" Realising that Anaya was right, Ethan looked over at Voq and said "Lieutenant Commander! Aim the torpedoes and phasers at the Supernova's phaser arrays and fire!" Voq obliged and fired two frontal torpedoes at the Supernova's weapons. The torpedoes then hit two of the thirty phaser arrays and destroyed them! Giving the Fleet some breathing room and a chance to continue fighting.

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