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"WOLF! I SWEAR IF I HAVE TO GRAB THE PILLOW-" None other than Mr. Moe Wolf himself was greeted by the dismayed eyes of his thrilling vixen as they gazed down upon his fluttering browns, her intentions eager to reach for the pillow resting behind his head as she wielded a black sports bra around her chest alongside a neatly wrapped pair of red lace panties guarding her pelvis from his seductive stare. "There you are... And, of course, you're looking down excited for something special. Not on this day, Wolfie, you've got a long day ahead of you," Diane shook her head all the while Wolf let off a pout.

"Really? On my first day doing this gig and you're not even going to bless me with the good luck ritual? I'm guessing that's a reward for actually doing my job... And I can do that by getting out of bed and into something that's not my boxers," Wolf playfully remarked as he rose up from his shared bed with Diane, showered by the rays of the sun as the clock indicated it was eight o'clock precisely whilst wrapping his arms around the warmth of his vixen's ginger coat. "You somehow get softer with each day I wake. Seriously, though; you seem to be in quite the rush, what's up with someone spending a few extra minutes in bed, huh?" Wolf inquired as Diane let off a cheeky giggle.

"Well, private investigator Moe Wolf..." Diane tilted her head back, nesting her ears within his lean chest as she scooched up onto his lap, essentially nuzzling the entirety of his upper half before wrapping her arm around his shoulders. "Not only does it feel good to say that, but I've got to hold an opening ceremony speech for your office downtown. You know, one could say they're proud of you. I never knew an ex-criminal like you, such a bad guy could pledge their loyalty to justice... Then again, I think you saw me in that spandex suit and the rest was history,"

"Says the one who asked me to go on a date with her the day after I was liberated from prison," Wolf fired back, tickling Diane's chin as she let off a gentle breath which whisked across the room. "With my familiarity with evil, with group heists and the ideas tossed around colliding with your smarts and knowledge of politics; we could seriously make a good team taking down those trying to reclaim the spotlight I once held with my friends... Oh, speaking of which, you did let Snake know that we're expecting him to drive us there in around ten minutes, right?"

"I had my phone in my hand before you even thought about waking up. Let me guess, same dream as always too, honey?" Diane found herself turning her body towards Wolf, wrapping herself around his bare torso as her eyes contested his own whilst they sat in line with one another. "You know, one thing I wasn't expecting was for being a P.I to make you so ambitious; I guess working for the benefit of those around you instead of yourself really has changed you," Foxington teased whilst Wolf casually lifted himself up from his position, planting his feet on the cotton carpet that made up the bedroom occupying the bungalow they both lived within.

"Well, as a wise vixen once said... Even trash can be recycled into something beautiful," Every single time Wolf repeated that line to his canine companion, he witnessed her grow incredibly flustered as she struggled to maintain her composure before him. "As for that dream? Same as always, maybe I'll get to that place one day. Perhaps not as badass... Although I really do wonder who that raccoon is. I don't think I can remember the last time I saw a raccoon,"

"Most likely due to them occupying the majority of the penitentiaries around here. Now, my recently declared detective and investigator... What sort of morning puzzle do you feel like solving first?" Wolf, toyed with by Foxington almost constantly for the past few months regarding his claim to being a detective, found himself put on the spot once again as he eyed up his surroundings.

"Well, first of all I'm gonna remind myself to tidy up when I get home considering we're still not quite over what happened yesterday afternoon upon hearing that downtown office is mine... Seriously, there's a pair of panties here, a bra there, some boxers stuck on our brown desk and is that-"

"Okay, I get your point. We should both clean up when we get back, huh? Then again, I expect you to be home first," Diane gently jabbed part of her paw into Wolf's chest, pointing at him whilst beaming a subtle smirk his way. "If you're not and I don't see a text explaining why then we're going to have words when you get home. I do all of this work as your governor, the last thing I want to see is you arriving home late," As much as he wished to shrug off Foxington's teases, he somewhat fondly remembers the time he went out drinking with his friends a few nights after they had gotten out of prison and was subject to her idea of a punishment inside of her lair.

"I was saying that I solved the case leading up to that mess but if you really want me to go over my routine... I guess we can start by wandering through the corridor as we venture through the door into the bathroom. Heck, I still think we need a dimmer for that light, it's way too bright." Wolf nonchalantly ventured from his shared bedroom with Foxington, which other than a shared desk, two black office chairs as well as a king sized double bed for the pair of them to sleep inside of padded by black and white pillows; was fairly unremarkable excluding the boxes yet to be unpacked by Foxington. "The first thing a good detective needs to do is to prepare himself in the bathroom. I don't have time for a shower, but we can brush our teeth and clean our faces before getting dressed for the day," After squeezing some strawberry flavoured toothpaste onto their toothbrushes, Diane and Wolf multitasked by wandering into the bedroom as they pulled out their outfits of the day; lining them up on their bed before rushing to the bathroom to spit out their toothpaste as well as to wash their faces.

"Case number two," Wolf continued to narrate himself as he strolled into the sunlit bedroom, trailed by his lover behind him. "Assembling our outfits. It shouldn't be too hard as we're two canines who can stay sensible around one another," As it turns out, the pair of them found it very difficult to remain composed in front of one another; especially when it came to the phase which saw them change their respective underwears in front of one another. Whilst Wolf gazed at Foxington and Foxington gazed back at Wolf, their next moves when naked were dictated when they found themselves eyeing up the clock and realising five minutes had already passed.

"You know, maybe I'll come by and pay you a visit during my lunch break if you're not busy, my conniving criminal. If you're a good boy and take on your first set of cases without being too dismayed then I'll let you explore beyond what you see down there," Diane winked at Wolf, increasingly aware of the amount of authority she commanded over her canine companion alongside lover considering Wolf had developed a habit of being somewhat perverted whenever they're alone with one another.

"Ooh, you would? I'd be honoured, but I apologise if I inconvenience you with my schedule. You never know, I might end up dedicated to my work and focused on earning a reward for a completed day's work." Wolf quipped back, thoroughly throwing Foxington's flirting game off the roof as well as cementing his dedication right there and then. "Now, instead of being a tease, do you want help from this detective and his ways with your bra? It looks like someone's being fancy today with their jade dress and black casual underwear."

"You really expect me to wear a suit to a press conference? I hate to say it but people are going to have a lot of questions about you and the opening up of your little office. Whilst you answer questions from a few concerned civilians who require your expertise, I'm going to be hammered by the press and I want to look good for as long as I can before I actually head to work in my own office and change into my suit. As you know, I keep a suit in my briefcase at all times just in case," Wolf finished assisting Diane with her bra and subsequently the laces that made up the back of her dress before he slipped on his jet black trench coat, completing his outfit. "Wow... I was not expecting you to look that good when you're not trying to commit grand larceny," Before Foxington stood Wolf with his jet black trench coat, royal blue collared button-up and silky royal blue trousers, white fedora with a black band wrapped around it neatly wrapped up with a white tie wrapping around his shirt before being finished off by a pair of black steel-toed boots.

Of course, Wolf had a lot less flair than Foxington's shining jade dress which had glitter practically drenching her dress whilst she stood high up above him with her red high heels, yet he emanated enough style as well as formality to the point where he didn't need to be dressed up brightly like his canine spouse was. Furthermore, they completed their outfits by slipping on their engagement rings which were the colour of their lover's eyes; meaning Wolf had a jade ring to slip around his ring finger whilst Foxington had a gentle brown jewel wrapped around her own.

"Unfortunately, crime pays a lot more than this job. But at this point, I'm not about wealth; I'm about helping people. I don't need to fill a hole in my heart anymore because I already have you... And if I did want to fill a hole, I would just-"

"You know, sometimes I feel like I got engaged to a sexual deviant who happens to know how to charm my heart," Diane clamped her paw down on Wolf's muzzle before pulling him through the polished and varnished oak door which led them into the corridor of their bungalow which was merely coated in a crimson carpet. "Now, I've got some paperwork to fill out; you're in charge of making us some toast before we head out!"

"Gotcha, two finely buttered up slices of bread to go. I have to admit, I'm a little nervous for my first day. I mean, I know that what I'm doing is in my own interest as well as the interest of others but it's not like my training erases my nervousness. A lot of people still know me as the big bad wolf, I've tried to keep my life private mainly for your sake. Sure, I'm a bit of a social media sensation but that doesn't change the fact that I've got to cling to that bridge between personal and professional," Diane knew all too well about the social media sensation that Wolf had become... She's looking at you, humble reader. "I've got a serious cause to live up to. Sure, working with the law might not be my jam but if I'm going to extinguish this little blaze of crime that's cruising across the city then I am going to have my say in it, thank you very much!" He sounded all too intimidating for a guy who just tossed four pieces of bread into the toaster before slamming his paw down on the handle to engage the mechanism responsible for bringing life into his breakfast.

"You do realise putting together breakfast whilst saying that ruins your attempt at being intimidating, right?" Foxington playfully replied. "You know, baby- and I don't say that often because I'm not too into romance... However, you should know that I do believe in you. If I didn't, I wouldn't have convinced you to get into this gig in the first place! You're the wolf for the job, you used to run the most notorious group of thieves this city has seen and even though syndicates are emerging; your eye for solving puzzles as well as your insight into the internal operations of most criminal organisations thanks to your experience will be helpful," Diane concluded her ramble by shoving the freshly buttered toast Wolf had finished making into her mouth.

"I was trying to sound intimidating?" Wolf quipped as he took a small bite out of his own toast, wandering by the black couch that sat before the flat-screen TV as he sought to check out the window to see if Snake had arrived yet. "You should know I had dreams of becoming a detective when I was little. Of course, everyone always underestimated me because I was the big bad wolf and destined to do crime. Which, to those people who said that, they were technically right but it felt like I was backed into a corner. No member of law enforcement is gonna work with some wolf that they see as sketchy. You can trash Marmalade all you want and his intentions, but he was a genius when he told us Bad Guys that we could one day become good guys... It sort of reignited a flame that had long been lost to the whims of time which I had forgotten about chasing," He found himself staring out the window, lowering his voice alongside his shoulders as Diane let off a subtle sigh, unsurprised that he was trying to spin his ramble into something poetic.

"You really found a way to connect to your poetic side whilst sitting in prison, huh? You always had something to offer me each week I came in to speak with you."

"Well, when you spend a year locked away in a prison with your best friends and you find yourself being the latest sleeper and the earliest riser for some strange reason then you'll discover you've got time to be existential about yourself," Wolf replied whilst flicking on his sunglasses, focusing his attention on the other slice of toast he had sitting on his plate. "Please remind me as to why we didn't make our toast and eat it before getting dressed as opposed to afterwards."

"I don't think either of us want toast and breadcrumbs creeping onto our fur once we're fully dressed. Especially me," Diane peered down, alluding to the two spherical wonders attached to her chest that Wolf had become fond of since they started dating. "The last thing I want to do today is reach down into my dress or deal with any sort of discomfort in that area. I've got a declaration to make whilst you've got cases to solve, and I doubt you'd want any breadcrumbs sticking to your chest either now, would you? - I'd just deal with the fact that my clothes aren't going to remain perfect the whole day and leave it at that," Diane reached for the case that housed her glasses and slipped it into her black handbag shortly after wafting down her other slice of toast.

Meanwhile, Wolf found himself staring out the window whilst playing with his phone. He had become relatively fond of keeping track of his social media statistics after becoming the internet's favourite ex-criminal. It seemed like many people, human, animal and whatever was in between had fallen in love with him alongside his relatively childish antics. Furthermore, Wolf found himself eventually gazing up from his phone to observe the fluttering of the lush grass alongside the brightly coloured daisies outside which reflected the gentle gaze of sunlight into his brown eyes alongside enlightened him as to the power of the wind outside.

A brief blanket of silence fell over the canine couple as they prepared themselves by completing the rest of the morning errands that they had become eerily familiar with ever since moving in with one another and adopting this sort of lifestyle. Of course, this silence wouldn't last forever considering the pair of them soon found themselves waiting on Mr. Snake and his red lowrider that he had acquired ever since becoming a relatively successful actor and performer.

"Oh come on, Snake, where are ya? I swear some habits never change, even when you've become a celebrity and have a brighter outlook on life; you just can't resist leaving us hanging on right until the final minute, huh?" Wolf remarked whilst biting his lip as Foxington finished applying her fairly basic makeup in the bathroom. Nothing naturally worked for animals, especially vixens, so she just ended up brushing her hair a bit as well as moisturising her paws. "Well, I'm not going to get anywhere by waiting inside, I might as well go out there and soak in the great outdoors," Before long, he slipped his grey paw around his keys, placed them inside of the doorknob as well as disengaged the bolt latch which sealed them from the outside world and pulled back the door in preparation for his adventure into the great outdoors.

"Do you really think you can leave me behind that easily huh, Wolf? I don't think so!" Diane did her best to sprint her way towards the door, eventually being showered by the sunrays that burst down from the glowing haze which made up none other than the sun itself rising above the horizon. As she turned to lock the door behind her, following up from Wolf's clumsiness and slight arrogance like she had done for the past year or so of them officially being together; they looked towards the curb and anxiously awaited the arrival of their serpentine ally.

As they scanned their surroundings once again, they found themselves falling in love with the relatively peaceful solitude that was the Californian suburbs which sat on the outskirts of the city. Respectively, Wolf and Foxington had their mixed opinions regarding the suburbs considering they weren't the most efficient means of keeping people nearby yet the rent prices in the city were exorbitant to say the least.

Even Foxington had to agree that regardless of how much she was getting paid to be the Californian Governor, she could only dream of affording something more than the assigned office that she's been given inside of the main parliament building within the state. There was no way that with her pockets, not to mention the investments going into rebuilding part of the damage that Marmalade had caused near the seabed alongside within the main region of the city itself; her dreams of affording an apartment within the confines of the city had already witnessed their sunset.

Besides, there's no way she would be able to move into the city without abandoning her underground research facilities. This humble bungalow that she and Wolf now occupied had gone from one of two main hideouts to their main sanctuary considering Foxington had to surrender her other apartment when she was being investigated by law enforcement for suspected conspiracy.

As time moved around them, Wolf made the mistake of looking down towards his smartwatch and noticing it was 8:20 AM. He was seriously considering if it would be a good idea for him to get in his own lowrider and speed off to the office yet Foxington subtly insisted on relaxing as well as getting used to the mild luxury that was private transportation. Sure, the gentle breeze brushing against his fur was nice as the gentle stream of people heading to work waved at him alongside Foxington gave his mind some mild reassurance but he didn't wish to be late to the opening of his own office.

Just as he lost his patience and turned around to grab his own car, Diane grabbed his arm and pulled him back in position as Snake sped down the road, engaging the handbrake and pulling a hundred and eighty degree turn to line themselves up with the both of them as the pair of them leapt into the back of Snake's cherry-red convertible. It may have reminded the couple of the fifties but Snake insisted that his sleeper car was worth something as he soon peered back at the both of them with an apologetic smirk on his face.

"You know, I would apologise for being late but I had a busy night last night," Oh, Snake, somewhat narcissistic yet charming as always. "Anyways, I heard you two need an express ride to Wolf's Private Detective Agency... Making it big, aren't you, buddy?" Snake inquired as he put his tail on the gas, using the force of part of his neck coiled around the steering wheel to drive as well as the tip of his tail as they followed the roads in hope of finding the highway leading into the city.

"One could say that. I might not be as big as mister celebrity over here with his own acting agency but being able to put minds at ease? I won't lie to you, this is something I've wanted to do since I was a young pup. I'm sure you remember the puzzle games we used to play before the world started seeing us for the monsters we truly are, huh?" Snake nonchalantly nodded in response to Wolf as the pair of them reminisced independently, recalling the memory of the pair of them sneaking into classrooms and putting together makeshift case files which were intended to catch the other out. "Oh, how those were good times. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. Foxington over here says I worry a little too much but I think worrying is always going to be my job beyond planning everything out. I would be lying if I didn't admit that planning out those heists rattled my nerves, why do you think I started drinking from the toilet?"

"Because you're a bit of a freak like that, Wolf," Snake replied, almost hitting a trash can that was on the side of the road as his engine roared and he flicked on the radio. "I wonder if there's anything good playing this morning. I still need to try out that cookie recipe I heard coming back from work two nights ago! - I do think you're worrying a little too much but hey, it's nice to see you admit that planning all of that stuff out isn't easy; I always knew there was something to you developing a habit for stress-drinking out of the toilet bowl-"

"You drank from the bowl? I thought you just flushed!" Foxington let off a soft giggle all the while Wolf lowered his ears whilst scowling at her. "What? I think it's quite cute, if I say so myself."

"You do realise my tongue has been in that mouth of yours, right?" Wolf remarked as Snake gagged on the spot, all the while Foxington gaped open her mouth as her face spasmed in mild disgust. "I don't see you complaining when this tongue of mine reaches down low and-"

"CAN YOU LEAVE THE INNUENDOS ALONE! I'M TRYING TO DRIVE WHILE NOT THROWING UP HERE!" Snake raised his voice all the while Wolf let off a snicker. "Thank you very much. I mean, I might be one for privacy myself but I don't need to know what you two get up to in your spare time. Is a man allowed to preserve the fact that he sees his best friend every time he stares at his face instead of immediately remembering what he does with his love? Sheesh. It's like you reach that spot before your middle ages, settle down and then go crazy for it," He grumbled as he eventually came across the same lane he had driven up which would inevitably lead him onto the packed California highway from the sprawling suburbs behind him.

"You've never been the type to settle down with someone and call it a day, have you, Snakey? You're the oldest one out of all three of us here and yet you haven't thought about getting busy with a lady or a man yet. That's sort of surprising. I know you've been a little reclusive but I thought acting would at least bring you some confidence in that field," Wolf's open discussion about Snake's love life amused Foxington as she merely sat back with her seatbelt strapped to her to listen to this conversation play out between the two best friends.

"I'm not really your type of guy to stay in one place and you know this! I don't really like watching TV for too long, I can only watch the food channels for so long before trying my hand with what they're making on TV... I don't know, I guess I just haven't found the one yet. It's hard to find yourself a snake or really anyone who gets along with you beyond being friends with you. A lot of serpentine ladies my age, Wolf, they've already found their loves and settled down. Those that want anything with me are usually a little too conniving, too; they scheme way too much!" He revealed, bringing some much-needed context as to why he was still single. "I've tried those dating apps that you speak of but meh, I haven't really found anyone suitable yet. I've gone on a few dates here and there but my schedule is a huge problem. The only people I could realistically go on a date with are either in relationships at the moment, have no interest or there's some form of excuse... In other words, they dislike me."

"How about Webs? Doesn't she work as an editor for your agency and isn't she your assistant? I don't want to make any suggestions but I heard she's single and has been since the beginning of time. She might be a little on the bubbly side but hey, opposites attract, right?" Speaking of which, none other than the classic eighties song started blasting through the radio; although Wolf and Foxington had to physically resist the urge to sing along considering the author of this fanfiction doesn't wish to break any copyright laws. "Snake... Don't give me those eyes. I have a point," Wolf was greeted by daggers hurling at him from Snake's own commanding eyes whilst Diane entertained herself by scrolling through her phone to her heart's content.

"Wolf! Do you want to seriously know how cliche that is? Dating my own damn assistant? I admit, Webs is wonderful. I admire her as a close friend, an assistant and some company for when I'm not working as we hang out a lot after work but I don't want to end up talking her into something she might not want. There's a clear reason as to why we're both single and that's because we're not ready for a relationship!"

"Or maybe you see her as a candidate but you're anxious that she might not like you back. Or perhaps you're aware that she might like you or love you yet you haven't pursued that lead yet considering you're anxious as to how that relationship will go. Take myself and Diane for example," Wolf gently waved at Diane as she nodded by his side. "She's a vixen, I'm a wolf. Are we genetically compatible? No, not really. But are we compatible personality wise? Also not necessarily although we do work well, it's about spending time with that person and actually enjoying their company. If you enjoy bonding with them and enjoy their company then that's ingredient number one for cooking up something spicy! Step two is asking them to go on a date, seeing how well it goes and then keeping things open until you decide to go serious if you ever do!"

"You and Diane are such a terrible example but at the same time I kind of get your point... Curse you two and your love!" Snake sarcastically leered as the distant city crept closer whilst they drove at 80MPH on the highway leading into the heart of Los Angeles. "I will admit, I enjoy Webs and her company a bunch. She has a bunch of fun around me as well. I'm not necessarily as closed off as I used to be, either; I've sort of opened up a bit- it's how I went from feeling lost to being an actor and entertainer! Once I'm done filming Serpentine Cypher, I might consider asking her out on a date but if you tell her this I will personally choke the pair of you out in your sleep."

"Hey! Since when did I get involved in this?!" Foxington peered up towards her phone with a quilt of shock covering her fur.

"No witnesses," Snake threatened back, intimidating Foxington as he continued to spill his thoughts out into the open air. "As much as I like the idea, I kind of don't want it to take the same path that it did with you two. I don't think I need to remind you two of what happened between the pair of you on your first date. You set all of these rules between one another whilst at a bar and the next thing I knew, Wolf had texted me saying that he had left the bar early considering he was on a date with you, Diane... Okay, that's all I'm saying, I'm not going to nauseate myself further and focus on driving," As much as Snake wished to escape the awkwardness that was going to be retelling that story, Diane made it very clear that she was as direct as her intentions that night as her serpentine friend stepped on the pedal to ease out the silence.

"Oooh I remember that night very well. It was where all of those petty rules were broken considering you all had been out of jail and I had a lot to say to Wolf, but also sort of lacked the words to tell it to him," Diane affectionately gazed into Wolf's brown eyes with her jades as Snake frantically increased his speed. "It all began with the dim lights, then the fluttering candles were involved... The teases, the slyness, the realisation as well as the effects of being mildly drunk loosening our tongues yet somehow enhancing our coordination," Foxington made it her moral objective to wind up Snake in a petty form of punishment which would result in him needing to drive faster to get to their destination.

"The part where my paws wrapped around her waist, when our noses squished up against one another's for the first time. When that suit of hers soon started to peel away thanks to yours truly as we peered around our surroundings to find the nearby sofa... How we turned up the TV intentionally to mask the noise of what was to come next as I peeled off her bra and-" Diane shook her head with her pupils turned to saucers as Wolf nodded. "Okay, maybe I'm going a little too far but yes, Snake, I remember that night very well and so does she."

"Well I'm glad your memory is sharp because I'm probably going to need a sick bucket in a minute! Seriously! I can't believe you two went from being on a casual date in your finest suits, dancing at a celebratory gala that we had set up specifically to commemorate the liberation of the ex-Bad Guys to then Wolf texting me- presumably as Diane here was bringing him into her hotel room... If only I had known what would happen ten minutes after- I may have tried to keep you two around for a bit!" Snake had topped out at 95MPH, practically speeding alongside racing his way into the city as the skyscrapers from the distance now practically stood over them as his GPS instructed him into the downtown region of Los Angeles; roughly a five minute drive as Diane would arrive in time for her speech as well as Wolf could open up his detective office soon thereafter.

"Oh, relax, I'm sure you and Webs won't get up to something that extreme. Besides, we're lucky that we had the matching parts. I know interspecies relationships are rising and well, it doesn't have to be about that. We're just fortunate to have that luxury," Diane gently reminded Snake that not everything had to be about intimacy in a relationship. "We have our cute and cuddly moments, at least sometimes we do... Uh, when was the last time we cuddled without it leading to passionate hugging, Wolf?" Wolf brought his paw to his chin, scratching it all the while Snake attempted to bury whatever capacity he had to hear within the roof of his mouth.

"I don't think we've uh... Ever cuddled without it leading to that. I've got to admit to you, Diane, we're something else. We've somehow got that passion for one another to do a bunch for one another when we're at home and at work but that passion usually turns into-"

"YOU TWO! YOU'RE LUCKY I KNOW A SHORTCUT- BUT CAN YOU PLEASE STOP GOING ON ABOUT YOUR SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS WITH ONE ANOTHER! I can understand what you're trying to say, damn it! I'm not going to be that indecent when it comes to my date with Webs. I know, it's probably been building up for a while but I don't plan on going that extreme... I don't even want to know how that would even work between us and I'm not going to think about it," Snake clenched up part of his tail before breathing a sigh of relief, seeing that a massive crowd was hovering around a stage that had been set up for Foxington in preparation for her speech directly in the middle of a concrete plaza which housed the humble building making up Wolf's investigative agency. "Someone's looking out for me. It looks like your rally is ready for you, Foxington; and the same goes for Wolf and the opening of his investigative agency. The both of you, as much as it's been a horror to listen to your stories; I wish you the best of luck... Especially you, Wolf. It feels good to see you succeed, brother!" Snake pulled up next to the crowd, turned towards Wolf with a slight grin on his face.

"Thanks for dealing with us and for bringing us with you. I can't wait to begin my new career and I wish you the best of luck on set!" Wolf then turned to Foxington, helping her with her seatbelt before unbuckling his own. "Alright, my favourite fox, it's time for you to put on a show with one minute to spare whilst reciting that speech you wrote last night. Got everything set up?" Wolf's gentle tone gave Snake some insight into the nature of their relationship beyond the horror story that he almost found himself listening to that day.

"I've got my speech, I've got my water; I've got those scissors for the glossy fabric outside of your office. It's time to put on a show and it's time for you to come on stage with me. I'm sure you remember when I was planning on pardoning you and your friends, hm? Well, it's time for you to experience some deja-vu but you're being officially labelled a private investigator," Wolf climbed out of the car before opening up the door for Foxington, allowing her to step out as the audience cheered. "There's no real official protocol for this thing so expect a bunch of praise, my good boy," Diane caught her canine lover off guard with that remark as he let off a blush alongside wagged his tail, closing the door before Snake honked twice and he stuck up his thumb in a gesture of appreciation as he and Foxington wandered through the crowd of humans and animals alike to participate in the most exhilarating speech of the year... So far, at least.

The pair of them took the perilous route through the bustling crowd, almost constantly bombarded by a beehive of noise all before Diane grabbed her speech that she had tucked away in her handbag and instructed Wolf to silently stand beside her the entire time. With the tapping of the microphone as well as the sudden silence descending across the plain in front of her, Diane made way with delivering her speech in a steadfast manner with part of the city standing before her.

"Under these green trees, atop these steps of quartz and concrete whilst standing tall above you all; I proudly make this speech to those both short and tall. May you all feel the wind flutter against your necks, moving your suits, your ties, your vest, your trousers or your skirts and take in a deep breath in appreciation of the nature before us. It's not your typical day when I begin a speech like this but I must joyously announce that it's not a typical day," Diane spoke with authority before her crowd, charming them with her wit as well as her moderate expertise in poetry. "For today, I shall be addressing an unlikely rise from the scourge of the streets to a man poised to solve the mysteries behind life and its uncertainties. As you all know, Mr. Wolf was once the leader of the notorious Bad Guys; a group poised to steal from those below them whilst showboating in the process and using their authority to terrorise those into submission," Mr. Wolf guiltily smiled, blushing as Foxington had a way with words regarding praising his proudest achievements.

"He has seen a meteoric alteration of his personality, going from a petty thief as well as a kingpin of the streets to someone dedicated to tidying up the very streets he once ravaged. I am sure you are very familiar with my relationship with Mr. Wolf, a relationship that was built upon the backbone of change as well as the wonders of affection. Mr. Wolf has proved that even trash can be recycled into something beautiful, further proving that statement true considering the climate change that occurred ended up reducing the amount of openly violent crimes being committed on the streets," Diane received a small round of applause from those surrounding her whilst Wolf had a bouquet of flowers tossed at him, of which he caught and handed to Foxington nonchalantly. "However, not everything has been perfect. The power vacuum the absence of The Bad Guys left behind has proven to us all that there's a balance between law and order that must be established. One cannot have a lack of evil whilst expecting an abundance of good. Unfortunately, I am here to address the rise of The New Blizzard, a criminal organisation that has recently expanded its horizons from petty theft to kidnappings and intimidation techniques," The entirety of the crowd gasped in shock, considering Foxington was the first Governor to openly speak about issues that plagued the city with such seriousness.

"The New Blizzard started as a small motorcycle gang which was and still is commanded by a certain Winter González. They would often ride around the streets protesting changes that occurred whenever something massive and moderately radical happened in the state, usually waving around their flags as well as slashing some tires on the way. Sadly, ever since a rift opened up for them to exploit, they have gone from slashing tires and yelling into megaphones to something as grand as stealing the Golden Dolphin as well as setting bounties on the heads of politicians," Foxington took a deep breath, her speech had admittedly gone off script a slight bit and it was now her objective to steer it into a favourable position for Wolf. "During these unprecedented times, we have been searching for an answer and I believe, after much training... We have finally found it in the form of Mr. Wolf. Not only is Mr. Wolf an experienced ex-convict who knows the internal workings of a criminal organisation like it's the back of his hand but he's also experienced in the art of strategizing and solving mysteries. Although we may never get to the bottom of Winter González and her intentions, nor her syndicate, we can start off by attempting to put some of the pieces together regarding connections in the city; which leads me to what this speech was originally about before I admittedly lost my train of thought a bit!" At least Diane was honest about her derailed speech.

"Mr. Wolf is opening up a Private Investigator's office and it is with my pleasure that I shall be cutting the rope that shall lead to the solving of many mysteries. Not only is Mr. Wolf the man for the job for cases that you may believe are related to criminal syndicates but he will be able to find other connections that other detectives may have missed without directly involving law enforcement. He has been rigorously training and after a year of rigorous training and revision, he's now gathered the confidence to open up such an establishment with my approval," Diane nodded at Mr. Wolf before smiling at her audience, shifting her tone once more in an effort to conclude her speech at a moment's notice. "On the contrary, there is a catch to all of this. You may be wondering why I have decided to mention The New Blizzard and that's because for the first week, Mr. Wolf shall only be taking cases that you personally may believe are connected. He will personally look into it for a price and return the evidence you need. It may be a colossal order to serve but I have the utmost confidence within me to bestow upon Wolf and his expertise. Now, before I go any further... It is now time to open up the Canine Investigative Agency!" With much concern in the air from her usual horde of praise, Wolf and Foxington joined arms with one another as she guided him down the steps with a pair of ceremonial scissors in hand.

"You really had to announce the fact I had a criminal specialty in front of everyone and also gave me the responsibility of taking on those cases on the spot, huh? Why can't I just investigate a recent arson or something?" Wolf bitterly complained all the while Foxington just elbowed him. "Hey! I've got a point!"

"We made a deal when you started training for this, that your expertise would focus primarily on suspected criminal connections to The New Blizzard and any threats that arise. Ultimately, it is your choice to pick your first case that suits your needs but I need people to have confidence in your skills and you're going to have to prove that by being reliable as well as sincere," Foxington whispered back, grabbing a nearby megaphone alongside her pair of scissors with a freshly concerned L.A crowd staring back at her. "It is with great pride, honour and integrity that I declare that Mr. Wolf shall further redeem himself beyond his sentence by performing acts of grandeur for the community, for getting to the bottom of your deepest worries or confirming your suspicions with evidence. I now proudly declare the Californian Canine Investigation Agency open for business!" With a singular swoop of the scissors, a massive roar of cheers erupted as Wolf took the keys leading into the keyhole that lined his golden doorknob and twisted them, eventually entering the space that would one day become his new office.

"Everybody! Get in the waiting room! Entertain yourself with some newspaper and some free wifi, I'll call you in after you've filled out your form and if I need to ask some extra questions! Thank you to Diane Foxington for making this possible and uh, thank you to you all for believing in me the past year! Alright, that's enough sappiness; if you need a case solved then fill out the form and I'll get to you once I've sorted out my office!" As Wolf's tail gently wagged, he entered his newfound establishment with pride, the forms that he had already assembled ready to be filled out as a few concerned citizens soon entered and began filling out the form... Leaving him with the courtesy of assembling the living quarters that would become his office for the day as well as sifting through the pile of forms accompanied by the responsibility of picking his first case.


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