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A guard burst through the doors to King Frederic and Queen Arianna, only able to stare, the right words not coming. But they took a glance at each other and in a moment, were running out to the balcony, where Richie, Y/n, and Eugene looked over the kingdom. Richie turned around, though, and saw them, hands folded in front of him. Hesitantly, Arianna stepped towards him, reaching out. When she got close enough, she touched his cheek, both of them realizing how similarly they looked to each other. Arianna let out a small sob, Richie doing the same, as she pulled her son into a hug. When Richie looked up, he saw Fredric smiling above them, chuckling as he reached over, the family falling to the ground in one big group hug.

Noticing Eugene and Y/n smiling down at them, Arianna reached out, Y/n assuming she just wanted a handshake. But when she took her hand, she pulled at her to join them, Y/n reactively reaching for Eugene, pulling him in, as well.


Well, you could imagine what happened next. The kingdom rejoiced. The lost prince had returned. The party lasted an entire week and, honestly, I don't remember much of it.

Dreams came true all over the place. That guy went on to become the most famous pianist, if you can believe it.

Hook Hand played for the party, everyone stopping to listen to the beautiful music. As he tried to turn the page, his hook got caught in it. Frustrated, he just flung the hook off, knocking off one of the guy's hats.

And this guy? Well, eventually, he found true love.

The hat fell onto a beautiful young lady, who slowly raised it above her eyes and smiled at the man.

As for this guy, well, I assume he's happy. He's never told me otherwise.

The mime guy did his bit, happily pulling himself along.

Thanks to Maximus, crime in the kingdom disappeared almost over night.

Maximus strode by a group of soldiers, who saluted him.

As did most of the apples.

Another guard came over and offered an apple, which the horse then ate up.

Pascal...never changed.

The sisters fed Pascal fruit, who changed with each color, purple for grapes and orange for...well...an orange. One of the girls put him back on Richie's hand. He chuckled as the little chameleon ran up his shoulder, his parents reaching over for another hug.

At last, Richie was home and he finally had a real family. He was a prince worth waiting for. But, above all, he led his kingdom with all the grace and wisdom that his parents did before him.

The king and queen pulled away, Richie then turning to Y/n, who stood there innocently, hands behind her back. The brunette prince looked at Eugene with an eyebrow raised, but he shrugged, trying not to start snickering.

And as for us, well, we started going by Eugene and Y/n again. Stopped thieving, basically turned it all around.

With a smirk, Richie reached out for something, but Y/n made a confused face. Giggling, he reached over, her finally showing him a crown that she kept pulling out of his reach. Annoyed, he grabbed her and dipped her down.

But I know what the big question is: Did Richie and I ever get married? Well, I'm pleased to tell you, after years and years of asking and asking and asking...I finally said yes.

Rolling his eyes, he leaned downward for a kiss. As Y/n melted into it, she reached up and slipped the crown back on his head.




Alright. I asked him.


And we're living happily ever after.


Yes, we are.

And they all, indeed, lived happily ever after...

The end.

" Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.  " - 1 Corinthian 13:4-7


Come on


He's a boy with the best intention
She's a girl of her own invention
He looked out the window, she walked out the door
But he followed her and he said, "Hey, watcha lookin' for?"

He said, "I want something that I want
"Something I tell myself I need
"Something that I want
"And I need everything I see

"Something that I want
"Something I tell myself I need
"Something that I want
"And I need everything I see." Yeah

She's been livin' in a pure illusion
She's gonna come to her own conclusion
Right now, when you think that you know what to say
Someone comes along and shows you a brand-new way

He said, "I want something that I want
"Something I tell myself I need
"Something that I want
"And I need everything I..."

It's so easy to make believe

It seems you're livin' in a dream

Richie, Y/n:
Don't you see that what you need is standing in front of you?

"Oh, I want something that I want
"Something I tell myself I need
"Something that I want
"And I need everything I see

"Something that I want
"Something I tell myself I need
"Something that I want
"And I need everything I see."
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

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