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Flynn stopped running, ripping off a wanted poster from a tree. The brothers and Jaylyn stopped, eyeing him curiously.

"No, no, no, this is bad. This is very, very bad. This is really bad." He flipped it over, whining, "They just can't get my nose right."

Jaylyn rolled her eyes. "Who cares?"

"Well, it's easy for you to say. You look hot." He pointed next to the picture of him, the woman with shining h/c hair and a wicked smile next to his dorky looking smirk.

Groaning, she pulled him along until they came to a dropping slope. "Alright, okay. Give me a boost and I'll pull you guys up," Flynn suggested to Jaylyn, who looked at him like he had two heads.

"No. Not again. How about you give me a boost?"

"Oh, why, so you can run off?"

"You've got the satchel, genius. I'm still not lifting you up."

"Alright, fine, fine, fine." He turned to the Stabbington brothers. "You guys lift us up, then.

They looked at each other before Sideburns spoke. "Give us the satchel first."

"Wha...? I just..." He put his hand to his chest with a hurt expression. "I can't believe that after all these years, you don't trust me?"

They, including Jaylyn, stared him down unblinkingly.

"Ouch." He handed the satchel over and let them boost him up on their shoulders, then grabbed Jaylyn's hand and pulled her up.

"Now help us up, baby girl," Sideburns said, reaching out to her.

"Sorry, honey. My hands are full." She flushed the satchel at them, then took off with Flynn.

"What?!" Sideburns felt around himself, but it was true. The satchel was gone. "RIDER!"


"HaHA, did you see that poor bastard's face?" Jaylyn gloated as they ran. "And you were actually going to let them have it."

"Oh, sue me."

Galloping quickly behind them were the horses with the soldiers on them, the front being the captain of the guard on Max. "Retrieve that satchel with and force!" he ordered, closing in on them. "We got 'em now, Maximus."

But he lost most of the men behind him before Jaylyn split from Flynn. Max, confused, stopped, throwing off the guard. Regaining himself, he ran after Jaylyn before feeling a pull on his reigns. Confused, he stopped.

"Go! Heya! Come on, fleabag, forward!"

Maximus turned his head and saw Flynn on his back and nipped at him.


He tried again.

"No. Stop it!"

"Uh-huh...I'll just..." Jaylyn took off, the satchel still in her hands. She ducked down behind a fall of leaves, waiting for Flynn. Her waiting paid off when Flynn crept over, an extra pep in his step. He leaned against the vines that dangled, falling in.

Hearing Maximus, Jaylyn dove in after him, their backs on the stone on either side as Max sniffed the ground for them. They sighed in relief once he was a good distance away.

Gasping softly, Jaylyn put a hand on Flynn's shoulder, drawing his attention to the tower in front of them.

They followed their first instinct: climb. Flynn stabbed at the side of the wall, Jaylyn holding his legs. He pulled himself over, then pulled her up. Jaylyn checked herself, making sure she still had the satchel. "Alone at last," she mumbled before hearing a wack. When she looked up, she watched Flynn freeze up, then fall forward, a blond behind him, holding the frying pan up.

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