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Regina's POV

Noah had to leave after that awkward and nonsense introduction because he had a meeting, which was great. He even asked if Narda was still using the same phone number, and if not, he suggested Narda contact him, so he slid his business card towards her. When I asked Narda if she was going to take the calling card, she just shrugged. On our way out, I took it from her and tossed it in a bin. Ali drove us back to my penthouse and assisted us with our luggage. Narda was carrying Nathan and catching glimpses of me every now and then. I'm not saying anything or ignoring her; I just don't feel like talking. Noah has completely turned my mood around.

"Regina, Mr. Thomas texted me about the proposal," Ali says after putting the luggage away.

"I said no work while they're here," I clarified.

"You can take it," Narda said, wiping the food crumbs off of Nathan's face.

"Do you want to stay here for the rest of the day? You can rest, and we'll go out tomorrow." I mean, I'm tired too, because we just got back from Africa.

"Well, if you're not too busy, we can come along.. we don't have much to do today, and we can walk around afterwards, this little one has so much energy since we took a long nap during the flight," she explained.

"All right, Ali, let's stop by the company for a few minutes so I can speak with Mr. Thomas, then we can stroll around," I said, making Ali nod.

"I'll just change my clothes," Narda says, and I nod. I took a new set of clothes with me to change Nathan while she was changing. We exited the penthouse after they had both changed, and Ali assisted us in placing Nathan in his car seat, which is directly in front of Narda and I.

While Narda is playing with Nathan, I received a call from work halfway to the company. Ali screeched to a halt, which was not too abrupt, but it made me grab Narda's wrist. She raises her brows at me, as if asking if I'm okay. I nod my head, and she warmly pats the back of my hand.

"Will it be okay if I check on it tomorrow?" I ask, still on the phone with one of my executives.

"Yeah, it's fine; can we squeeze in a meeting afterwards? I mean, if you're just free, there's no rush," he asks, clearly terrified. I look down at my hand, which is still clutching Narda's wrist. I slide it down a little to lightly squeeze her palm while playing with her hand.

"I don't think so, I'll check my schedule and ask Ali to let you know when," I say as I continue to move my hands around Narda's hand.

"All right, thank you," he said. I take my phone away and end the call. When I look at Narda, she doesn't seem to mind that my hand is still on her, so I take advantage of the opportunity to intertwine mine with hers. She just holds my hand back as she continues to play with Nathan, as if it's all natural and no big deal.

"So you're jealous of Noah?" Ali asks as we enter my office. Narda and Nathan were left outside. There's some food and entertainment in that room, primarily for employees, so Narda chose to stay there while we finished up the meeting.

"No, I'm not.. there's no reason to be jealous. Narda is my wife, why should I be jealous over a mere boy who happened to like her in college? He didn't even date Narda," Ali chuckled, prompting me to look up at him.

"It's true."

"What exactly is it?"

"That sometimes a person falls for you first, but you fall harder." Mr. Thomas and three other people walk in and greet us both before settling on the couch to talk making our conversation stop.

"Mr. Thomas, I won't say it again; if you want to go against my orders, you should find another partner," I said sternly in the middle of the conversation. They have been pursuing a proposal that clearly deviates from my instructions. I may be harsh on my employees, but I do it for their benefit. I admit many employees complain about my attitude, but none of them quit because I prioritize their demands and needs. They may perceive me as a bossy CEO, but I'm simply doing my job. I'm in charge, and I have the authority to do so, especially when it comes to work.

"Ms. Vanguardia, look—"

"David, I'm not going to repeat the same nonsense if you don't listen; either revise this proposal to comply with my order or leave the company... it's that simple," I said as I stood up. They all stood up at the same time. They all know that I am very professional so I don't like having first name basis with my employees. So when I dropped Mr. Thomas' first name they know that I am dead serious about this. "Ali," I said, and he stood up, knowing exactly what I wanted.

"I'll double-check it," Ali says, so I take the opportunity to leave the room, leaving them all behind.

I walk through the corridors, passing by a couple of employees who greet me politely as I pass by. When I got to the room, the door was open, so I came to a halt right outside when I heard one of the employees say my name.

"I don't want to be fired," says one employee.

"For asking questions? Go ahead, I'll answer," Narda says graciously.

"I mean, with all due respect to your wife and the ceo, do you not find it difficult to be married to her? I mean, given that she is unbelievably pretty and successful. There is also that side of her being a busy businesswoman. Again, with all due respect, Boss has a thin patience for most of us, which may be a bit different for you. Like my question is simply, would you have gone with someone better if it wasn't her?" she asks, I  find it extremely rude that my employee is talking behind my back, especially since she is also talking to my wife. But I stayed outside because I wanted to hear what Narda was thinking.

"Is there anyone better than Regina?" she asks, and as much as that melts my heart, I can honestly tell her that there are many decent human beings than me. "First, you're correct.. Regina is bossy and easily irritated, but you see that in her because she's your boss and she has that authority; however, back at home, she's Regina.. Nathan's mom, and my wife. I may be getting an exception because of the wife card thing," she joked, making me smile.

"How long have you been together?" one inquires.

"Together as a couple? Not really, but I've known her since high school, not as a CEO but as an individual and a friend for so many years... But to answer your question... I won't change or choose somebody else." I was interrupted when Ali approached me, so I took the opportunity to go in. The three employees who were conversing with Narda rose to greet me politely. Narda who's sitting with Nathan on her lap stood up as well and said her goodbyes before we all walked out.

There's a river and a park across the street, so I told Ali we'd just go for a walk. We let Nathan run around while Ali chases after him to make sure he doesn't disappear. Narda and I are just walking side by side while she takes photos of the scenery.

"Narda, am I doing too much?" I ask, pausing her from taking a photo.

"What do you mean?" she asks as she continues to take photos.

"Am I holding you back in a possessive way?" I ask.

"No.." she said as I kept my gaze fixed on her. "I agreed to a marriage, didn't I? Is it a marriage if you're okay with me flirting with other people and vice versa?" she asks this time, putting down her phone and turning around to face me.

"I don't know if it's too much, with Noah earlier... and me basically just telling everyone about it," I explained.

"It's not.. you let me do things and hang out with people and my friends, and I also know my limits and responsibilities, so no.. you're not going overboard."

"Are you sure?" I inquire once more.

"Yes... You have every right to tell people I'm your wife; you're simply stating a fact," she said calmly.

"Would you have gone with Mara or any other friend if it hadn't been me?" She tilted her head and smiled softly.

"Certainly not Brian.. Mara, she's not into women, so I don't think I'll push it either way."

"What made you think I was deserving of this?"

"Because you gave me the option to be with you... Remember when you first asked me about it? Then you told me to keep you in mind if I ever considered it. You are the only person who gave me an option, and you are the only person in my option, so why will I wait for anyone else when I already have you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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