My Hero

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As another crack of the whip sounded in my ears i could faintly hear the small creak in the vents above me again. Again i chose to ignore it! Today my owner decided to try different techniques in torturing me. He enjoyed every second of it, seeing that it led to me loosing a lot more blood that usual beatings. I started to see those familiar black dots form in my vision. Just before i lost conspicuousness i saw my owner fall to his knees with a thin object imbedded in his chest. I felt strong arms pick me up, bridal style, before i was consumed in darkness once more.

Hawkeye's point of view:

I have been sitting in this vent for the past six hours painfully watching this poor helpless girl get beaten to death. Earlier that day S.H.I.E.L.D. had finally gotten a lead on a kidnap that had taken place about five years ago. There had been a report of a neighbor hearing screaming in the middle of the night from next door. The call came from a small rural town in lower Manhattan , NY. After getting recorded evidence of a screaming female, S.H.I.E.L.D. was called in for evacuation of the residents. I was assigned the job to possibly take out the target and then grabbing the girl. The waiting is what killed me. At last i got the word from Fury to kill the son of a bitch. As i drew back my arrow i quietly whispered "rot in hell" before i released the arrow and watched as it punctured his heart. As soon as he fell i jumped out of the vent just to see other agents scouring the home for other possible threats. Before i knew it i was picking the limp body of the young teenage girl and flew her back to base where she would always be safe.

Or so i thought.................

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