Chapter 41

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Once everyone was settled down, the rest of the company was led to Beuren's pavillion. Balin and Bilbo stayed however. They were gathered now around the table, telling Lord Elrond of the map and key that had been given to Thorin by his father.

"I may be able to decipher your map." The elf lord said. "It may take some time, but it may also be something simple."

"Then let us begin." Balin said.

"Well, this is where I take my leave." Beuren said, pushing her chair out and finishing off her mead.

"And why is that lassie?" Balin asked. Thorin braced himself for the nasty explanation.

"Well, I am of no use when it comes to reading ancient Dwarvish." Then she glared at Thorin. "Nor am I of the status required to set eyes on the damn thing."

"Aren't you?" Balin smiled.


"Well, your hand begs to differ." She looked at him curiously. "One finger is the ring of the Dúnedain." The ring was carved of two silver serpents, both with emerald eyes... one devouring, the other crowned with golden flowers. "And on the other a wedding ring given to you by a King." Her eyes grew and flew to her hand. She hadn't even remembered putting it on, and yet, there it sat, a diamond placed between two opals.

She opened her mouth to argue back, but, for the first time, had nothing to fight back with. For it was true, she had more than enough status to be there, it was all in her title. Beuren, daughter of Arador, heiress to the throne of Gondor, princess of the Dúnedain, wife to Thorin Oakenshield, Queen of the Blue Mountains, and rightful Queen of Erebor... yes, she was certainly supposed to be there.

Thorin allowed for a grin to play at his features. It was the first time that he'd seen anyone win an argument against Beuren. The elven lord stood, as did Gandalf. The dwarves, hobbit, and Beuren took that as their que to follow. They were led through the winding streets, lined with beautiful buildings or gardens overflowing with flowers. Beuren and her somewhat short attention span had stayed in the back with the Hobbit, telling him what each and every building was, what the names of the foreign plants were.

"Gandalf, you do realize that this map is going to tell us the way to the hidden passage way." Thorin spoke in a hushed tone.

"Mhm." The wizard replied.

"Then you know that the elves are not going to condone our journey."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that this isn't a good idea, he could tell us wrong, besides, this is the..."

"I will hear no more of this." Gandalf snapped, glowering down at the dwarf king.

Elrond was patiently waiting beside Beuren, who was not so patient. She was sitting in a chair, resting lazily against the arm, sighing loudly and kicking her feet at the stone floor. The elf lord had had many run ins with dwarves, he knew all too well of their stubbornness, but Thorin was a sight to behold. He, Gandalf, and the second dwarf were arguing relentlessly over whether or not to show the map to Elrond. Curious he looked down at Beuren, getting her attention.

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