Day 2

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I woke up the the alarm going off and groggily got up. I got dressed ans left my room to see my roomate lucy standing there.

Lucy: hey percy! I didnt hear you last night

Me: yea well i sure as hell heard you...

Lucy: what does that suppose to mean?!

Me: lucy the whole block heard you fucking last night...hell the dead could hear it..

Lucy: well dont blame me cuz you dont actually put yourself on the market..

Me: i did actually! I met a nice guy yesterday but unlike some people i know i am taking it slow!

Lucy: ooo you met a guy huh? 😏

Me: its not like that ok? I met him at the park he just randomly sat next to me trying to ask me i went to dinner with him amd he bought me roses it was sweet.

Lucy: ...he sounds a bit of a creep percy...maybe i should meet this mystery man for your saftey especially after your ex.

Me: look i learned my lesson from him ok? Im not rushong into things...we are just friends thats it, anyways im going to be late for work if i dont hurry.

Lucy: ok..but just please be safe ok? Your my friend and i care about you..

Me: i know lucy..ill see you when i get off work.

I rushed out the door to the dinner. Morning was packed and busy then around lunch time it slowed a bit down. I saw peter come in and sit down.

Me: hey ally! Came to eat?

Peter: heh..nah i came to see just you darling.. ☺

Me: is almost lunch time but...i dont really want to eat here today..

Peter: well how about i take you somewhere else to eat?

Me: well..i got left overs at my apartment...i suppose you can come with me and hang out a bit.

Peter: really? Id like that thank you!

Me: ok well im going to just let TK know and we can head out for about an hour at least.

I walked back into the kitchen and took my apron off. TK looks at me a bit confused.

TK: where you going percy?

Me: oh im just heading home for lunch ill be just an hour and ill be back.

TK: well..ok, i was thinking tonight if you want i could take you out for coffee after work?

Me: no im ok TK, anyways alastor is waiting for me

TK: it uh...that guy from yesterday?

Me: yea why?

TK: percy idk something about him gives me the creeps..i just want you to be careful i left your ex not long ago..

Me: not you too TK, lucy said the same bullshit earlier im not in the mood...i am being careful...

I rushed out a bit peeved and peter followed me. I let him catch up as we walked to my apartment.

Me: it is..home sweet home again..

Peter: hey..whats wrong? You look upset..did that co worker say something?

Me: no...its just..i get that he and my roomate lucy worry especially after my last relationship but..they act like im stupid..

Peter: did..someone hurt you?

Me: sigh..yea my ex gary did...he was very abusive and..made me feel like i was never good enough..

Peter: i see...well i think your more than good enough darling...

Me: no..not not pretty and my breasts are small...not to mention im tiny and thin...

Peter: are very pretty me..

He lifted my chin smiling and pulled me close. I that he was about to kiss me till i heard my landlord yell at us.


Me: don!? Fuck you scared me!

Don: why arent you at work?

Me: i..i am i just needed an hour lunch break..

Don: ..and whos this...?

Peter: im her boyfri-

Me: hes my friend Don..

Don: friend...uh know what happened last time...

Me: you too Don?! God im not dumb i know...

Don: just lookin out for ya kid..anyways lucys half of the rent is overdue and i need that soon...i get your pulling doubles and such but you cant keep covering for her, your always tired and exhausted while she just does god knows what...i know your being nice but i think you should find another roommate..

Me: im sorry but..i cant do that...ive known her for so long Don...ill just get a 2nd job and do doubles there too..

Don: sigh...why dont you work part time for me ok? I can put it towards the rent...come talk to me tomorrow morning...

Me: really?! Omg thank you Don!

Don: yea yea no prob kid...

Don glares at peter and leaves. I opened my door letting peter inside and closed the door.

Me: well here it is...

Peter: its really nice! shouldnt have to work so hard..your roommate should help out, if i was your roommate id work and help with rent and anything else you wanted..

Me: thats sweet ally but...i..idk..

Peter: i get it, but really i would worry if you got sick from working so hard..

He held me close and i blushed. I could see him lean in towards me till lucy walked in. I was so embarrassed. She implied we were going to have sex and that made me flustered as hell. The rest of the day was slow at work and finally i got off and headed home. As i walked in i just went to my room and layed down till the power went out. Did she forget to pay the electricity too? Shit! I got up and went to the living room to look for a flashlight when i heard a noise. As i looked in the darkness i felt myself bump against something...or someone...

Me: lucy? Is that you?

???: ....

Me: d..don?

???: ...

Me: h..hello?

???: ...hehehe...

I was scared. I turned to try and run but i felt an arm wrap around me and a wet rag over my face. The smell was making me drowsy as i tried to struggle. I started slipping into an unconscious state when i felt them kiss my cheek.

"Ill see you tomorrow....darling".

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