"Tone-deaf Bard... were you friends with Sun and Moon Archon?" Paimon asked as Venti nodded 'yes' he truly missed you and your brother, mostly you...

"Y...Yes, we were the most greatest friends until that incident..." he spoke as Aether narrowed his brows down "What incident...?" Aether asked, Venti only remained quiet.

"What do you want me to do for you?" Venti asked as he removed his hands from his face "We are needing you to come with us, to help us open the gate..." Paimon spoke as he nodded, getting up from his seat.

"We should go look for Morax..." Venti spoke as he looked at the table, refusing to stare at Aether and Paimon as they both nodded.

They left the Tavern, Venti observed the sky as it was nighttime, he loved when it was nighttime cause it reminded him of you...

"So then... Tone-deaf Bard... tell us a bit about the Sun and Moon Archon... you don't have to share too much if you aren't comfortable with it!" Paimon spoke as Venti looked at her and smiled.

"I'm so willing to talk about that!" Venti spoke as his smile wasn't forced, more happy and calm that Paimon wanted to know more about you especially.

"I'm good friends with the Sun Archon... he is a very nice god but... his title is something I don't know of..." he spoke as he thought, all 3 of them leaving Mondstadt and currently on the bridge.

"What do you mean by?" Aether asked, tilting his head to the side slightly in confusion "Well I'm known as the God of Freedom, Morax is known as the God of Contracts and the Electro Twin Gods are known as God of Eternity while his I don't know of" Venti explained, they both stared in shock.

"How do you not the Sun Archon's Title?!" Paimon shouted as Venti chuckled "That's because he never said it, and due to the fact their nation is currently locked down... there was no books I could find about that nation ner it's people" he answered.

"How about the Moon Archon?" Aether asked as Venti's smile widened happily, Aether and Paimon sweatdropped from knowing what was about to happen.

"I'm also good 'friends' with the Moon Archon... but they actually aren't an easygoing person anymore... they use to be and their title is also unknown towards me" Venti spoke as Paimon was confused on how he didn't know, and Venti didn't consider you as his friend... he considered you more as his lover...

All three of them were currently at Springvale, they agreed that they aren't going to go through Dragonspine but instead past it so it's quicker to Liyue.

"Did you ever visit their nation? Or did they always come down here since their nation seems to be far" Paimon asked as Venti chuckled.

"Nope! We visited their nation once but they actually were once... uhh..." Venti nervously spoke... not wanting to admit about that incident with you and your brother leaving...

In the Morning...

Aether, Paimon and Venti finally reached Liyue Harbor as they looked around for Zhongli, they managed to find Zhongli sitting by the storyteller and approached him.

"Mr Zhongli!" Paimon excitedly greeted, Zhongli's brows narrowed up as he looked behind him and smiled "Greetings Traveler and Paimon, and...-" before Zhongli finished, he noticed Venti behind them.

"What are you doing here...?" Zhongli asked as he glared at Venti, Venti flinched as he hid behind Aether while Aether sweatdropped.

"We would like to ask you something Zhongli... and... could you bring Xiao and Ganyu?" Paimon asked as Zhongli's brows narrowed down in confusion, but he shrugged as he got up.

"Let's get moving-!" Paimon spoke as Venti grabbed Paimon by the wrist and pulled her closer "Why did you ask to bring the Adepti?!" Venti glared, Paimon flinched as Aether stared.

"Is something wrong with bringing the Adepti? Or do they not know the Sun and Moon Archon?" Aether asked as he placed his right hand on Venti's left shoulder, Venti sighed as he left go of Paimon and apologized.

"They do know them actually... although mentioning it towards Xiao and Ganyu is probably not a good idea..." Venti mumbled, feeling unsafe in Liyue Harbor now.

"Is something wrong Venti? You look uncomfortable?" Aether asked as Venti nodded 'no' he ran off and used his hands to signal to follow him which they did.

Everybody met up at Mt. Aocang as Zhongli sat down on his chair while Xiao and Ganyu stood behind them, wondering what was going on. Aether, Paimon and Venti were also standing up as they didn't want to sit in the seats with other people's names on it.

"Well then, what was it that you would like to talk about?" Zhongli asked as he sipped his tea, Venti looked nervously at Aether and Paimon who agreed to speak.

"So uhm... do you know anything about the other gods, Zhongli? You are the Geo Archon after all!" Paimon asked as Zhongli smiled and nodded 'yes'.

"Which god are you interested in knowing of?" he asked, unaware about the gods they were about to ask about.

"We were interested in knowing about the Sun and Moon Archon-" before Paimon could finish, the tea cup in Zhongli's right hand was completely destroyed by Zhongli himself and his hand was bleeding now as the glass was shattered.

Xiao and Ganyu stared in shock as Ganyu began to panic, completely remembering about that incident with you and your brother while Xiao glared at the shattered tea cup.

"Hehe... sorry about that..." Zhongli glared at Paimon as Paimon flinched, why was everybody not willing to talk about the Sun Archon or the Moon Archon.

"I...It's fine! But you just broke that tea cup! A...Are you okay?!" Paimon shouted, Zhongli simply nodded 'yes' as he stared at his hand which he opened and noticed the blood.

"And sure... the Sun Archon was a close friend of mine, he began a god first as I cannot explain to you how he did although he is a God that is very easy to talk with" Zhongli spoke as Aether nodded while his brows were narrowed down.

"While the Moon Archon was also a dear 'friend' of mine, they began a God after a little while but how they began a God was a bit complicating. Me and Barbatos watched them became a God right in front of our eyes although we don't understand how and... they aren't exactly easy to talk with as I remember..." Zhongli finished as Paimon raised a brow up... Zhongli also didn't consider you as his friend... more like a lover to him...

"As you remember? Were they easy to talk with before?" Paimon asked as Zhongli nodded 'yes'.

"Indeed that was because we were friends with them but I'm positive that they have changed over the years... they aren't easygoing anymore..." Zhongli half-lied, half of it was true but he meant to say was that you became cold after the Archon War.

"Apologizes for all of that..." Xiao muttered as Aether and Paimon chuckled, Venti laughed as Xiao stared at Venti.

"I'm guessing this bard with us is no other than Lord Barbatos himself?" Xiao asked as Aether nodded, Ganyu remained quiet due to the fact she was panicking.

"Ganyu... keep your negative thoughts away" Xiao spoke as she nodded, taking a breathe as she was sort of back together.

"We should head to Inazuma to talk with the Raiden Shogun..."



Anyways I apologize for all of the recent chapters, I have been getting to excited and have been writing way too much... EHE!

I hope y'all enjoyed this Chapter and stay tuned for Chapter 45!! Bye bye for now!! <33

Word Count - 1973

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