Wade watched his best friend hug his other best friend. He and Loki forming an unconventional friendship after that first mission. While he had been staying with the Avengers and his mate was with his friend, the two had become nearly inseperable. They often irritated Strange with how close they had become. It was all in good fun but nothing compared to having his mate in his arms and seeing his friend being accepted by her loved ones again.

"Hey douche nozzles, did anyone think to tell the super boys?"

There was a grumpy voice behind him. "Tell us what? That our mate is obviously moving on? She is so happy right now, it hurts because it isn't us making her......" Bucky trailed off as he saw the honey brown eyes of his mate glance up from the arm of their friend. Steve was the first one to recover as he ran over and collided with her, turning as they fall so she landed on his chest. "Sweetheart, you're here. You're in my arms. I can't believe this is real."

Bucky fell to his knees watching the two hug on the floor. "You're here. You're here. Doll, you're here." He couldn't stop the tears from falling as she wrapped an arm around each of her boys. "I am so sorry it took so long. I couldn't come back when I was that scared. I had to figure some of it out on my own. I am so so sorry. I love you both so, so much."

As everyone watched the trio finally reconnect, Becca, Sharon, and Nat also appeared. Eric and Sam close behind them chatting about some sports reference. As Becca saw the trio on the floor she stood taller, she wasn't sure what to expect from her brother's mate and knew it was okay, no matter what the reaction was. When Rae finally saw the older woman standing with her other friends, she sat up and eyed his cautiously. She didn't run, nor did she relax. Instead, she asked a question. "How long were you going to let me be the dumb little pet?"

Becca swallowed and silenced the others who were going to speak up in her defense. She knew how horrible it had been for Raven, and how much more difficult she made it due to the same trickery. "I was trying to give you back a little at a time. I apologize for the tricks and role I had to play but not for the way it saved my mate and myself." Rae took a moment to assess the woman before nodding. "What is your name?"

Becca smiled before meeting the woman's eyes cautiously. "Rebecca Barnes." Everyone flinched when Rae jumped and ran at the woman before realizing it was to hug her. "Thank you for doing what I asked and trying to protect them. Thank you for being the friend you were allowed to be in the situation."

Becca held the woman as her own levy broke. Everyone watched as both women cried until they couldn't anymore.

Once everyone was done crying, Sharon and Sam came up to hug her as well. "Is this Bruce's handiwork?" Sam was eyeing the splint curiously. "Erm, yeah. I, uh, I broke it while on the job this week."

Bruce and Stephen exchanged galances, having seen the fingerprint bruising around the break. "Come again?" Both doctors raised an eyebrow and crossed their arms as they waited for her to lie again. Realizing what they must think, Rae turned to Vanessa. "They don't believe me." Her voice seemed to shrink as she said each word. Vanessa was not about to have that become an issue on the first day and explained. "There is a customer who is awful. We have banned him over and over but nobody will do anything about him. He tried one of his bully tactics with Rae and it backfired. It may have broken her wrist but he hasn't come back this week either."

Everyone looked between Vanessa and Rae, only to see that neither was lying. Everyone smiled before Banner walked up and hugged her gently. "We shouldn't continuously question you. It is good to have you back."

It didn't take long for some of the others to take notice of her arrival. Before anyone could really get Rae settled in anywhere, the sounds of jet engines could be heard. Rae tensed briefly, not going unnoticed by many of the others surrounding her, before she relaxed again. "Where is she? Is she okay? I need to see her!" In stormed an obviously worked up Logan followed closely by Storm and Scott. Just as the three rounded the last corner, Rae stood and looked like she was debating between fight or flight. Ultimately, it was Wade who stood in front of her and told the three stampeding towards her to slow down or be put down. While none were sure the mercenary could follow through, they didn't want to spook the young woman behind him any more than they already had.

Walk the Line:  An Avengers Soulmate StoryWhere stories live. Discover now