Chapter Five: The Spy

Start from the beginning

The two hurried to the side of the house where Max's bedroom was.

"Come on, hop on," Gabby says waving her over.

"Hurry." He says as Max gets on the back of Gabby's bike.

"This better be good Gabby." She said as she held onto Gabby as she started to pedal.


"I said medium-well!" Lucas yelled from the top of the hill as he waved before helping Gabby off of her bike. Dustin quickly pulls Lucas and Gabby behind a car.

"You told her? And Gabby you knew?" Dustin asked Lucas.

"So what?"

"So what?" Dustin repeated.

"You wanted to tell her, too."

"But I didn't, all right? We all agreed to not tell her and to look for Dart." Dustin tells them.

"Who you conveniently found," Gabby says crossing her arms.

"Are you suggesting that I'm lying?" He says in shock causing Gabby to glare at him.

"We're saying you have a creepy little with him."

"Yeah, that was before he turned into a Demogorgon." Dustin pointed out.

"And you haven't heard from Mike?" Gabby asked.


"Or Will?" Gabby asked again.


"Captain?"  Lucas asked.



"No! No one is around. Why do you think I'm with Steve Harrington?" He asked. "Something's..."

"Wrong, we agree," Lucas says.

"Which is why we need as much help as we can get," Gabby says as they hear Max grunt they sit up and watch her struggle with a piece of metal.

"She didn't believe me anyway."

"You probably didn't tell her right," Dustin says.

"He didn't," Gabby says as she stood up and wiped the back of her pants.

"That must be it," Lucas says with a smile.

"So, we good?" Lucas asked holding his hand out Dustin looks at his hand for a moment just as he was about to say something Steve bangs a metal chair on the car scaring the three.

"I could have killed you," Gabby says putting her fireball away and wiping her nose.

"Hey! Dickheads and Gabby! How come the only one helping me out is this random girl?" Steve asked them.

"We lose light in 40 minutes. Let's go. Let's go I said!" Dustin follows behind him.

"Who made him boss?" Gabby says as Lucas holds her hand and starts to follow the two.

"All right, asshole God!"

"Okay! Stupid."

The kids start to help Steve while Gabby and Max stick together, Gabby moves the piece of metal so Max could get the ladder while Steve makes a trail of gasoline. The two bring it on the bus making sure it's sturdy.

I Think We're Alone Now • Lucas SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now