
A different duo of soldiers appeared and escorted me to a makeshift command center made of a few shipping containers, about a half mile from the crash site. The entire situation was confusing to me as I observed the patches on the officer's uniforms; all had special forces tabs from various branches of the military. At the far end of the sterile, well-lit hallway inside the center, I was brought to a door and stopped right before I tried to touch the doorknob. "No firearms beyond this point, agent. Please relinquish your firearm." the soldier stated. I looked over to the other soldier whose stare into my eyes did not wane despite my smirk. I shook my head slowly and turned over my firearm, removing the magazine. Once I complied the soldier opened the door and moved me to a room that resembled our own interrogation room at OIG. "Take a seat agent," he ordered.

As I sat in the room, my thoughts were interrupted when a man in a suit entered and sat opposite me. On the desk, he threw down a file with my name on it.

"Special Agent Samson my name is Andrew Lodge and I'm with the Central Intelligence Agency. I have a few questions before you can begin to work on this crash site."

"What's going on? My supervisor directed me here. I thought OIG was investigating the crash."

"Mr. Samson, the CIA, and DOD are in charge of this investigation. You will be reporting to me and it has already been approved by your Special Agent in charge," he stated.

"The CIA? What's with the secrecy?"

"Agent Samson are you familiar with the screen name Notonlygreenmen21?" he asked no longer sounding somewhat friendly.

I nodded and leaned forward on the metal table.

"Yea, it's the screen name I use on UFO Hunters International. It's a website where we talk about UFO cases. What's this about? Why?"

"To make you aware, we currently have a search warrant to confiscate any and all electronic devices with internet capabilities from your home. In addition to this, we have obtained separate warrants for any computer you have ever used to access the site."

"Why are you doing all that? I'm confused, is that even legal?"

"Agent Samson, the US Marshal Service is already at your house executing the search warrant. I want you to understand the gravity of this situation. Currently, you don't have the required clearance to access this site but you came highly regarded."

"Then let's not make me feel like a criminal. I don't understand what I did to deserve this."

"These are preventative measures. You will get the devices back once they have been cleaned and your accounts wiped. We have to make sure."

Still tired from the night before, I rested my face on my palms and let out a groan. What the hell did I walk into? I should have just claimed I was sick and maybe they would have called someone else. Why was he telling me that they specifically asked for me? Lodge opened my file and put a piece of paper in front of me, placing a pen alongside this.

"What is this?" I asked.

"This investigation is a Top Secret investigation of the highest degree. All the men you see here are hand selected and screened specifically for this. You should know that if you disseminate, speak or mention anything you see here to anyone outside those working here, you will be prosecuted for treason. Off the record the CIA has not been known to formally refer for prosecution, as we have our own methods to ensure cooperation. " he explained.

"Wow, well I guess I don't have much other choice do I?"

"No, you do not. I will also have you know that until you finish you are going to be sequestered at the site. Once you complete everything, then you can go."

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