Lavender Lounge

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Part I

The abandoned warehouse was illuminated by the alternating red and blue lights from the police cars surrounding the site. Inside, the flickering fluorescent lights revealed the dirty, bloodstained tile floors but did little to expose the dark corners of each room. The warehouse had been the site of an illegal rave-turned massacre with an unholy mix of underage individuals, drug dealers, and apparently killers. I made my way down the rusted staircase to the dance floor littered with appendages and torsos removed brutally. The patrol officers tasked with labeling the evidence looked up at me and shook their heads slowly as my eyes moved from theirs to the elevated dance floor lit with lights of a purple hue. It was something that all my years on the force did little to prepare me for. A group of individuals no more than sixteen laid nude, dismembered, and covered in blood in a pile bathed in the purple light. Blood had dripped off the sides of the elevated platform down to the ground below as if it were a butcher's counter.

I made my way to the restroom where my partner was located. She had told me that amid all the horror there was a survivor who had hidden the moment that the nightmare began, and to prepare myself for the wildest story I had ever heard. As I entered the graffiti-decorated bathroom I met my partner who stood in front of a stall, where a young kid sat, shivering on the toilet. His face was covered with blood and sweat and it took a moment for his eyes to move up my body and meet mine. For a moment he stared at the badge hanging from my neck and then looked over at my partner. "What happened?" I asked. The boy looked down and shook his head. No response besides the faint whimpering that alternated with his breath. My partner looked over at me and took a deep breath. "Well, I'm going to get some air. I've had enough of piss and blood for a while," she said smiling. I nodded slightly and turned back to the boy whose eyes were bloodshot from the tears which had now recently dried. "You want something to drink?" I asked him as I observed drool dripping from the side of his mouth. The boy shook his head and looked at me. "Do you believe in God?" he asked in a low voice. In an attempt to open him up further I redirected the question back to him. He looked down and weakly shrugged his shoulders. " I don't know anymore," he said. I cleared my throat and looked around the room. He wasn't very talkative, but he was the only one who could provide the events in detail and it was imperative to get a statement. I began to pace as I often do when I'm anxious. I opened up to him in the hopes he would provide details in return. "You know I used to hit a lot of raves when I was about your age. Man, were my parents pissed. Staying out all hours of the night, smoking, drinking. All the fun stuff." I explained. The boy shivered all the more violently and looked up at me. "It killed them," he said softly. I grabbed the trash receptacle and turned it on its base, to take a seat. Sitting at his level I placed my hand on his shoulder. "What do you mean 'it'?" I asked. Staring into space he shook his head and tears began flowing. It was obvious he was in shock but I needed the details fresh before the EMTs suggest he go to the hospital. "Dude, no one is going to hurt you. You're ok. Let me know what you need and I'll help." I reassured him. The boy began to rock back and forth and in little words began to tell me and relive the events of the night.

Part II

I met up with my friends at about 8:00 pm. All week we had heard about this party that DJ Moosehead was supposedly throwing. He's a top DJ and from what we heard on social media his parties were crazy. It was really weird because the girls who had the connection weren't the popular ones. All the fives and below were the ones that were promoting the party but we didn't know how they knew him. They shared all the info with everyone in school and everyone was invited. It was weird to us to have the whole team with drama club and the choir all in one spot on a Friday night, but it was DJ Moosehead. We couldn't pass it up. When we arrived at about ten at night, the line was crazy but moving along. Standing in front I saw Cheryl at the door with this huge dude tatted from head to toe in a suit. Cheryl is this geeky girl who used to be obsessed with me and ran drama club. The cheerleaders used to call her "snotty", not because she felt she was better than anyone, but because of something that happened when they were in grade school. The nickname stuck until high school. Wearing a purple glittered dress that barely fit and was stretching at the seams, she smiled in my direction. I remember mentioning it to my friends and we had a good laugh about it. "Maybe tonight she might 'roofy' you, one of my friends joked." When we got to the door, the huge tatted man looked down at Cheryl who lit up when she saw me. "Oh my god, Johnny! Welcome to the Lavender Lounge! I'm so happy you came!" she said to me. I faked a smile and was prepared to walk past when she grabbed my arm and put a wristband on me. She smiled as she maneuvered the clasp, looking up at me.

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