4] Education

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Karna goes to school in Hastinapura, and studies martial arts under the sages Drona & Kripa.

Arjuna was Karna's peer and equal. At school and in many episodes wherever his character appears, he is repeatedly rejected, subjected to ridicule and bullied for being the son of a poor family (sutputra).

The boy Karna came to be known for his solitary habits, hard work, pious yoga before lord surya every day, compassion and eager generosity to help anyone in need particularly Brahmins, his gift of speech, and for the pursuit of excellence in whatever he did.

In the shanti parva, it is mentioned that, one day karna approached Drona in private and said these words to him :-

"I desire to be acquainted with the Brahma weapon, with all its mantras and the power of withdrawing it, for I desire to fight Arjuna".

Without doubt, the affection thou bearest to every one of thy pupils is equal to what thou bearest to thy own son. I pray that all the masters of the science of weapons may, through thy grace, regard me as one accomplished in weapons!'

Thus addressed by him, Drona, from partiality for Phalguna, as also from his knowledge of the wickedness of Karna, said,

'None but a Brahmana, who has duly observed all vows, should be acquainted with the Brahma weapon,(brahmastra) or a kshatriya that has practised austere penances, and no other.'

When Drona had said this, karna went to Lord parshurama as he wanted to learn brahmastra to defeat arjuna at any cost.

Approaching parshurama, he bent his head unto him and said, 'I am a Brahmana of Bhrigu's race.' as that time Lord parshurama had taken a vow of teaching only brahmins as their father is killed by some kshatriyas.

This procured honour for him. With this knowledge about his birth and family, lord parshurama received him kindly and said, 'Thou art welcome!'

The real hero of mahabharata! Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum