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     The day the moon exploded, Takano Hajime had been called to the Chairman's office that morning. He looked away from the window where he was absentmindedly gazing at the clouds to face the nondescript adult that stood at the threshold of the classroom. From a glimpse at the blackboard, they were in Japanese Literature, a class that he wasn't particularly fond of, but excelled in the subject. Therefore, it was out of the ordinary to be called upon when he had done nothing to warrant the attention of the esteemed Chairman of the Academy. Hajime had been staring at the adult with furrowed brows when the man called out to him again.

"Takano-san?" The brown haired male wasn't familiar with the person that was sent after him, which was a normal occurrence as he didn't retain the names of those that were unnecessary for his success. The corner of his eye twitched as the heavy feeling of his classmates stares burned the left side of his face. The student stood, slipping his blank notebook into his school bag, which he placed over his shoulder. It was more efficient to take his things with him, considering that this was the last class period of the day. Hajime tucked in the chair and stepped through the aisle, keeping his gaze forward and ignoring the sudden whispers that erupted around him.

On his way toward the door, Hajime passed their class president, who also happened to be the renowned son of the Chairman. Asano Gakushuu was staring at him indifferently, though Hajime noted the confused tilt of his head. While Hajime and Asano weren't close, they were cordial with each other as they were both members of the student council and top ranking students of the school. The reaction of the student council president let the brown haired male know that his requested presence wasn't academically related. There was no reason for the Chairman to call him out simply to inquire about his grades as Hajime had done nothing outstanding to receive such attention.

The student stepped out of the classroom, the adult sliding the door shut. He was somewhat relieved to be out of sight from the ravenous eyes of his peers, but wherever he was going next raised a newfound indicator of stress. The adult hardly acknowledged his presence after that, simply sending an odd, disdainful stare before they strutted down the hall. Hajime shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets, following after the unnamed adult. They went up a couple flights of stairs before they reached the floor where the school administration conducted their activities. It was mostly avoided by students of any department as there was no reason to be this high up in the building and partly because they feared meeting the man Hajime was going to meet.

The unnamed adult halted in front of a wide set of double doors, turning to finally face the brown haired student. "Chairman Asano is just behind these doors. Do remember to present proper decorum, Takano-san." The warning was clearly heard under the stern tone as the man knocked on the door and announced their presence. Hajime raised an eyebrow in surprise, unknowing of what he did to receive such an ominous reception, but he figured he would learn soon enough. A short "Come in." was heard from the inside, and Hajime was pushed forward.

The Chairman's office was quite simple and bare considering his status, but Hajime felt unbearably cold as he entered. The air conditioning must have been on full blast because goosebumps raised from his skin. He resisted the urge to rub his arms and neared the only chair within the room, a large office chair that was turned toward the windows behind the desk. Hajime could see the shadow of the Chairman from the morning sun, an immense and looming figure that had the student silently gulping as he came to a halt a few feet from the desk. He clutched his bag and nervously tipped his head in a bow, though the man would not see it.

"You called for me, Chairman Asano?" The student's voice was deceptively calm despite his nerves. The chair swiveled around, revealing the charismatically sharp appearance of the Chairman. Hajime had only caught glimpses of the man during school ceremonies and events, but it was worth noting the resemblance he had with his son. He was faced with the same calculative violet eyes that the younger Asano had, piercing and analyzing in a way that seemed to see straight through his soul. Though Asano Gakushuu didn't release the same intimidating aura that his father currently had.

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