"Journee you ready to go see daddy ?" I asked and she instantly smiled in the backseat kicking her feet.


I pulled up to kese house and seen nun but niggas sitting outside his house in chairs smoking and shooting dice.

" Wassup lil girl " I heard a voice making me looking over to see ice ass looking .... real different. He got way more tattoos , got bags under his eyes...he just look like he ain't been taking care of his self.

" ice what happened to you ?" I asked walking towards him but he started mugging me so I paused where I was.

" nun is that my neicey pooh ?" He asked and I nodded taking the cover off the car seat so he could see her. She started smiling as he tickled and talked to her.

" You fine as fuck what's yo name shawty ?" one of the dudes said grabbing my hand licking his lips and I mentally gagged.

" I'm - Aye chilat , Asia go in the house with them lil ass shorts on." Ice mugged me handing me journee and her car seat. I walked into the house seeing Kese , 2 dudes and Nunu sitting on the couch. They ain't see me yet so I creeped in and slowly closed the door.

" Damn lil ma was yo name ?" one of the dudes turned around looking me up and down. His outburst made all them turn around and look at me.

Of course Kese and Nunu asses mugged me but kese face softened once he seen Journee .

" We'a holla at chu lata patna" Both them dudes dapped him up before walking out the hosie leaving me , kese and nunu.

" Is that daddy baby" He cheesed hard as fuck as she reached for him. I laughed handing her to him.

" daddy missed you luv bug" he said planting kisses all over her face.

" wassup baby mama" His smile dropped as he greeted me.

" baby daddy " I flashed a quick small before
mugging him back.

" you can sit down" he said and I walked over to the farthest part of the couch.

" what made you bring her after all dis time ?" he asked playing with her.

" i started feeling selfish." i shrugged and he nodded.

" my step daughter so pretty" nunu ass came on the side of kese saying. Journee mugged her then started crying.

" man take yo ass on !" Kese mugged nunu making her back up. He walked off with journee trying to calm her down. She might be sleepy so that's finna take him a minute. 

" Hey Asia !" Nunu waved trynna show off the ring she was rocking on her finger. 

" congratulations dog , i don't give a fuck" I rolled my eyes pulling out my phone and scrolling.

" You know you can leave right? he don't wanna see you just his baby" She pointed to the door and I laughed going back to what I was doing.

" No wonder why kese came to me that night talking bout you...We should've fucked" she said mumbling the last part but I still heard.

" can't believe he chose a baby who ain't his over me." she rolled her eyes pouting on the couch. I jumped on her ass and start swinging so fucking fast. 

" Bitch Don't . Talk About . My Baby. Da Fuck !" I said going in on her shit before I felt myself get yanked off her.

" Aye chilat !" I've pulled me off her while his other homie got her.

" What the fuck y'all got going on ?" another dude said recording and laughing. 

" her dog ass was talking bout my baby." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" What the fuck y'all got going on" Kese came storming down the steps mad as fuck.

" this bitch being delusional as fuck bout you so she started hitting me for no reason." She said and I tried to go towards her ass again but ice grip was right.

" take yo ass upstairs , you get the fuck out !" Kese said.

" what ?! I posed to be yo girl who you gon let her stay and not me? nigga I basically live here!!" Nunu yelled at kese.

" You better shut the fuck up cuh if you wake my
daughter up i'll beat yo shit in !" He bucked at her making her shut up instantly.

" Now get out" Ha said quietly but sternly. She got all her shit and walked out. He looked over in my direction making ice let me go so I walked upstairs with him hot on my tail.

I felt a hot ass sting on my ass making me turn around mugging kese but his ass was just mugging. 

" gon head !" he said and I kept walking up the steps. I walked into one of the rooms seeing journee laid out on the bed sleep.

" we gotta talk"

- hiiii

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