"Yes?" he asked.

"I am Rosalyn Bregundier, First Princess of the Breck Kingdom, and I greet the Lords."

"Greetings to the Lords, I am Alver Crossman, First Prince of Rowoon Kingdom."

Kim Rok Soo couldn't put it into words, but the sight of the Rowoon prince irritates him.


He finally remembered. He still has the habit of forgetting trivialities.

The chick's supposed to be betrothed.

That even annoyed him more.


"Hm?" He looked down, felt a light tap on his forehead, and looked at Cale, puzzled.

"Don't scowl... your handsome face will be a waste," Cale said boldly, laughing.

Kim Rok Soo pursed his lips and turned to face the perpetrators on the side.

Lee Soo Hyuk and his angelic smile.

Choi Jung Soo's irritating laughter

Kim Rok Soo shook his head and looked at the youngsters, "Welcome to Ragnarok, I'm Kim Rok Soo," Kim Rok Soo said, shaking his head.

He flashed a capitalist smile.

Well, this annoying inter-kingdom education shit aims to obtain the right of passage to the forbidden regions. Of course, Kim Rok Soo, the apex of scamming schemes, the brain of malversation, and Estafa, the mastermind of falsification and counterfeiting—of course, he has a strategy or two up his sleeve, even though no one can predict that he's already slandering and defaming them out of their wits.

"It is my honor to meet the Rose of the Mighty Breck and the little bright sun of the Rowoon kingdom, who will soon take the skies."

Cale looked at him as if he was insane, but the chick remained silent and pursed his lips to keep from laughing.

Choi Jung Soo snorted, and Lee Soo Hyuk sighed as he saw Cale about to burst out laughing.

Kim Rok Soo confidently waved that cringy shit away and looked at the two befuddled kids.

He had a smile that was both reassuring and annoying.

"um." Alver Crossman hesitantly spoke, "Thank you for having us."

"You should work on your clown face, prince." Kim Rok Soos said while pointing at Alver's crumbling mask.

The young prince looked at him but nodded his head.

"Seems like you them." Lee Soo Hyuk said.

"I'll train them."

Choi Jung Soo felt chills when Kim Rok Soo said that. The lazy motherfucking bastard has taken a liking to two innocent brats! Several clatters echoed inside the hall while all gazes turned towards Kim Rok Soo.

"What?" Kim Rok Soo asked, annoyed.

"We pray and hope that they leave this place as innocently as they have entered."

Joo Hoo Shik, who listened to that said, "I have faith that Rok Soo-nim will teach them well."

"WHAT THE FUCK JOO HOSHIK!" Choi Jung Soo couldn't stop but yelled at him. Joo Hoshik's faith is as frightening as any shit could be! If he believed in Kim Rok Soo's teachings, then those kids will become notorious bloody tyrants in history!

Kim Rok Soo's forte is committing crimes without even knowing it!

Arson, murder, homicide, robbery, theft, falsification - name whatever crime, Kim Rok Soo can do it without batting an eye!

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