First Date!(:

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Harry decided to go a little low key. He took you out for a day in town. That included a lot of shopping and stopping to eat at the finest fast food restaurant in town as quoted by Harry himself. You don't disagree, but you won't admit it. You two had a great time and shared a lot of laughs. The paparazzi did catch a few pictures of the date, harry dropped you off and you two planned another date, but made it so it was more private.

Since both of you are pretty out going, you and Louis decided on going to the zoo. As cliché as it Sounds, it was actually a pretty good date. You two spent your time goofing around and vistiting all the animals. You took plenty of pictures of you and Louis, wanting to have some documentation of the date just in case. The date was amazing and you came to realize that this relationship might just work. After going to the zoo, Louis took You out to eat at a nearby restaurant, where you talked forever. After that, Louis took You home and that was only the beginning of many cute little dates.

Out of all the boys, Liam had to have picked the most romantic date. Liam made reservations and took you out to one of the fanciest resturants he could. He treated you like a lady as any gentleman would. You thought it was sweet and really enjoyed the resturant. You two chatted over a fancy dinner and you really got to know liam. The date was very laid back even if you we're at a nice resturant. After dinner, you and liam took a walk around the nearby park,talking and laughing. The paparazzi followed you during the walk and got a few pictures. Of course, those pictures only showed just how cute you two were together. It was a sweet date and was the most romantic of the boys.

Niall decided that he would take you out on a picnic out in the nearby country side. He took it upon himself to make all the food you guys would eat. Now, to be honest, he didn't quite to a exquisite job. He tried to make something to impress you, but ended up making simple sandwiches and some chocolate cover strawberries. The date went very smooth and it was absolutely adorable. You and niall spent a lot of time really getting to know each other and quickly realized that you two have quite a lot in common. When you returned home from Your date, niall had asked if you wanted to go out again soon. What did you say? Yes! Duh :)

Zayn, being the artisic guy he is, decided to take you to an art museum. Sort of an odd place, yes but hey it was romantic in its own way. You walked around, interpreting each piece of artwork in your own ways. Sometimes, Zayn got pretty deep and pretty romantic too, not that you minded. The date went well and you two really got to know each other. After spending the day at a wonderful art museum, you returned home, happy as can be.

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